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[英]Undefined global variable in CodeIgniter

I want to use a global variable in a CodeIgniter Controller, I tried to use the solution from this post Codeigniter global variable within controller but it doesn't work for me. 我想在CodeIgniter控制器中使用全局变量,我试图在控制器中使用本帖子Codeigniter全局变量中的解决方案,但它对我不起作用。 I think because first I call the session function, and after the user's authentication the user function, but the web page has been refreshed and the value is lost. 我认为是因为首先调用session函数,然后在用户身份验证后调用user函数,但是网页已刷新并且值丢失了。 Is there any to store the variable somewhere after the first's function call and retrieve it later from the second function? 在第一个函数调用之后是否有任何变量可以存储在某个地方,以后再从第二个函数中检索出来?

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

  class Auth extends CI_Controller
      function __construct() {

    public $user;

    public function session()

        require 'facebook/facebook.php';

    $facebook = new Facebook(array(  
    'appId'  => '***********',  
    'secret' => '*****************',  
    'cookie' => true

    $user = $facebook->getUser();

      if ($user) {
        $uid = $facebook->getUser();

      } else {
        // proceed knowing you require user login and/or authentication
        $login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl();  
          header("Location: ".$login_url);  

    public function user()
        echo ($user);


You Can Define Global Constant in constant.php file under the config folder and you can acsees it any where by using that constant 您可以在config文件夹下的constant.php文件中定义全局常量,并且可以使用该常量在任何位置查看它

Like 喜欢

define('MY_VAR','MY_value'); define('MY_VAR','MY_value');

and Now If u want to use it just do LIKE echo MY_VAR; 现在,如果您想使用它,只需执行echo MY_VAR;


当您直接调用函数user()时,PHP将在定义后分配变量,因为该变量未定义,因此该变量不存在。为了引用全局变量,还应使用$ this-> user 。在这种情况下,变量$ user应该是一个会话变量。

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