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[英]jQuery key and it's value from a JSON array

I have a long JSON array from which I would like to remove a specific key and its value and then re-construct it as a JSON array. 我有一个长的JSON数组,我想从中删除特定的键及其值,然后将其重新构造为JSON数组。

How do I remove question_title from the following JSON array and then recreate it the same way? 如何从以下JSON数组中删除question_title ,然后以相同的方式重新创建它?

  "question_title":"1110112x100012 (equal to)",
  "question_title":"Information related to functioning of organization such as project plans is ________ information",
        "op_val":"Internal use only"
  "question_title":"Conceptual schema is a definition of the total database.",
  "question_title":"The schema for the external and internal levels is kept by the database in its System Tables.",
  "question_title":"What is the role of software in DBMS?",
        "op_val":"Storing and managing the data"
        "op_val":"Managing user"
        "op_val":"Physically storing data"
        "op_val":"All of the above"
  "question_title":"__________ databases are generally splitted by using a common delimiter.",
        "op_val":"Flat file"
  "question_title":"Tally is a type of ERP.",
  "question_title":"Data by itself is not useful unless",
        "op_val":"It is massive"
        "op_val":"It is processed to obtain information"
        "op_val":"It is collected from diverse sources"
        "op_val":"It is properly stated "
  "question_title":"Pay slip and Bio-data are example of what kind of information?",
  "question_title":"The most commonly used system for representing signal binary numbers is the ________",
        "op_val":"1?s complement system"
        "op_val":"2?s complement system"
        "op_val":"Complement system"
        "op_val":"Sign magnitude "
  "question_title":"CGI is ______",
        "op_val":"Computer generated imaging"
        "op_val":"Computer generated interface"
        "op_val":"Computer graphical information"
        "op_val":"Computer generated information"
  "question_title":"Database is a _________ of data structured in such a way that it may serve various applications.",
  "question_title":"A management information system is one which",
        "op_val":"Is required by all managers of an organization"
        "op_val":"Processes data to yield information of value in tactical management"
        "op_val":"Provides operational information"
        "op_val":"Allows better management of organizations"
  "question_title":"______ Technology, enabled internet access on mobile phones.",
  "question_title":"There can be n number of primary keys in a table.",
  "question_title":"Database management systems are intended to?_____?",
        "op_val":"Eliminate data redundancy"
        "op_val":"Establish relationship among records in different files"
        "op_val":"Manage file access"
        "op_val":"All of the above"
  "question_title":"_________ software that automatically converts images into text.",
        "op_val":"MICR "
  "question_title":"Binary multiplication 1x0 (equals to)",
  "question_title":"Office automation systems that are capable of sharing information simultaneously, between more than one user, are termed as _______",
        "op_val":"Cluster systems"
        "op_val":"Meeting systems"
        "op_val":"Multiple-user systems"
        "op_val":"Groupware systems"
  "question_title":"What is redundant data?",
        "op_val":"Private Data"
        "op_val":"Duplicate Data"
        "op_val":"Extra Data"
        "op_val":"Meaningless Data "

How do I go about it? 我该怎么办?

Assuming you have the JSON in a string called json_content : 假设您在名为json_content的字符串中包含JSON:

var question_list = JSON.parse(json_content);

for(var i=0; i < question_list.length; ++i) {
    var question = question_list[i];
    delete question["question_title"];

var new_json_content = JSON.stringify(question_list);

You can delete the property from each object in the array once you parse it into an object with JSON.parse . 一旦使用JSON.parse将其解析为对象,就可以从数组中的每个对象delete该属性。 Then, use JSON.stringify to produce new JSON. 然后,使用JSON.stringify生成新的JSON。

The JSON object is supported in modern browsers; 现代浏览器支持JSON对象。 older browsers require a polyfill . 较旧的浏览器需要使用polyfill

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