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[英]Magento: Build custom product collection of all configurable products in stock

I'm trying to build a product collection of all configurable products which are 'in-stock' or 'is-saleable'. 我正在尝试构建所有可配置产品的产品系列,这些产品是“库存”或“可销售”。 These require two different models to be used. 这些需要使用两种不同的型号。 My working method is: 我的工作方法是:

$collectionConfigurable = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')->addAttributeToFilter('type_id', array('eq' => 'configurable'));

foreach ($collectionConfigurable as $_configurableproduct) {
    $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_configurableproduct->getId());

    if ($product->isSaleable()) { 
// do something

However this script is REALLY slow and I have a feeling it's wasting resources running as it will be loading and going through EVERY configurable product. 然而,这个脚本真的很慢,我觉得它浪费资源运行,因为它将加载并通过每个可配置的产品。

What I'm trying to achieve is to get the $collectionConfigurable and make it in-stock items only. 我想要实现的是获得$ collectionConfigurable并仅使其成为库存商品。

Another resource cites this as a method to get in stock items. 另一种资源将此作为获取库存物品的方法。


But I'm not sure how to combine them or use it properly, I've tried this: 但我不确定如何将它们合并或正确使用它,我试过这个:

$collectionConfigurable = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')->addAttributeToFilter('type_id', array('eq' => 'configurable'));
$instockConfigs = Mage::getSingleton('cataloginventory/stock')->addInStockFilterToCollection($collectionconfigurable);

This returns with the following error: 返回时出现以下错误:

  Fatal error: Call to a member function joinField() on a non-object in /srv/magento/app/code/core/Mage/CatalogInventory/Model/Resource/Stock.php on line 197

My "naive to the finer details of the stock system" approach would be to 我的“对股票系统更精细细节的天真”方法将是

  1. Create a stock item collection, grabbing only the in stock items. 创建库存项目集合,仅获取库存项目。

  2. Use that collection to create an array of instock product IDs 使用该集合创建一个instock产品ID数组

  3. Create a product collection with the configurable filter, as well as an entity_id filter using the collected product IDs 使用可配置过滤器创建产品集合,并使用收集的产品ID创建entity_id过滤器

The code for that would look like this. 这个代码看起来像这样。

//create a stock item collection with a `is_in_stock` filter
$collection = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock')

//capture the product ids of the in stock stock items
$product_ids = array();
foreach($collection as $item)
    $product_ids[] = $item->getProductId();

$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')

foreach($products as $product)

That said, your code is slow, in part, because you're reloading each product inside the loop, generating a new series of SQL statements 也就是说,你的代码很慢,部分是因为你在循环中重新加载每个产品,生成一系列新的SQL语句

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_configurableproduct->getId());

Also, the addInStockFilterToCollection only works with a Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Link_Product_Collection collection. 此外, addInStockFilterToCollection仅适用于Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Link_Product_Collection集合。 Take a look at the doc block on the method. 看一下方法的doc块。

 * Adds filtering for collection to return only in stock products
 * @param Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Link_Product_Collection $collection
 * @return Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock $this
public function addInStockFilterToCollection($collection)
    return $this;

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