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[英]Enthought Canopy fails to start

I have just installed Enthought Canopy on my Windows 7 32-bit (I have russian version of Windows). 我刚刚在32位Windows 7(我有俄语版本的Windows)上安装了Enthought Canopy。 But when I tried to start it, I got a bug reporter dialog window saying "... we ran into a problem setting up your environment ...". 但是,当我尝试启动它时,我看到了一个错误报告程序对话框,上面写着“ ...我们在设置您的环境时遇到了问题……”。 I also tried reinstalling it as administrator to a custom folder (C:/Program Files/Enthought to be exact), but the problem persists. 我还尝试以管理员身份将其重新安装到自定义文件夹(C:/ Program Files /应该是完全正确的),但是问题仍然存在。 I tried to send bug report throught this dialog window, but it freezes and it seems it doesn't send anything. 我试图通过此对话框窗口发送错误报告,但是它死机了,似乎没有发送任何东西。 Has anyone encountered the same problem? 有没有人遇到过同样的问题? What might be the solution? 有什么解决方案?

Anton, does your Windows user name (hence your home directory name) contain a non-ASCII character?? Anton,您的Windows用户名(因此您的主目录名)是否包含非ASCII字符?

https://support.enthought.com/entries/23707691-Canopy-GUI-cannot-finish-setup-when-user-s-home-path-contains-non-ASCII-characters https://support.enthought.com/entries/23707691-Canopy-GUI-cannot-finish-setup-when-user-s-home-path-contains-non-ASCII-characters

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