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{ENTER} Firefox的iMacros击键

[英]{ENTER} Keystroke iMacros for Firefox

I've found a decent amount of code to replicate a backspace or the enter key (DS, WINCLICK, etc.) -- but none of them work on iMacros for Firefox (Version 8.3.0). 我发现了很多代码可以复制退格键或Enter键(DS,WINCLICK等),但是它们都无法在Firefox的iMacros(版本8.3.0)上运行。 Is there anything I can do with this version? 这个版本有什么我可以做的吗?

My code is perfect, I just need an 'enter' keystroke or even a backspace after one of the lines to make the dropdown I need populate. 我的代码很完美,我只需要在一行中的一行之后输入“ enter”键或什至退格就可以填充所需的下拉菜单。

Can anybody help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Then use Experimental recording and click on the place you want to type. 然后使用实验性录音,然后单击要键入的位置。 Then press Enter. 然后按Enter。

http://prntscr.com/13dnw9 http://prntscr.com/13dnw9

You can also check and un acheck the Favor element IDs ... option do get different ways of recording an EVENT command. 您也可以选中和取消选中“收藏夹元素ID ...”选项,这将获得记录EVENT命令的不同方式。

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