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汇编,寄存器和返回值-m32 / linux

[英]Assembly, registers and return values -m32 / linux

I'm trying to make some simple codes in assembly so I easily can understand more. 我试图在汇编中编写一些简单的代码,以使我容易理解。 To start with I want to make a function that takes a parameter. 首先,我要创建一个带有参数的函数。

I want to add a value to the parameter, for example the letter 'A', (has value 65 in ascii). 我想为参数添加一个值,例如字母“ A”(ASCII中的值为65)。 I want the function to return the A, but since eax holds 4 bytes and this letter only needs ONE byte, I'm trying to use the AL part of the EAX register. 我希望函数返回A,但是由于eax保留4个字节,而该字母仅需要一个字节,因此我尝试使用EAX寄存器的AL部分。

The problem here is that this function doesn't work when I use it. 这里的问题是,当我使用它时此功能不起作用。 I get four strange-looking characters as a return value. 我得到了四个看起来很奇怪的字符作为返回值。 Anyone knows why? 有人知道为什么吗?

this is how my code looks like: 这是我的代码的样子:

        .globl  letterprinter
# Name:             letterprinter
# Synopsis:         prints the character 'A' (or at least, it is supposed to)
# C-signature:      int letterprinter(unsigned char *res);
# Registers:        %EDX: for the argument that is supposed to get the value
#                   %EAX: for the return value(s)

letterprinter:                      # letterprinter

    pushl       %ebp                # start of
    movl        %esp, %ebp          # function

    movl        8(%ebp), %edx       # first argument

    movl        $65, %dl            # the value 'A' in lowest part of edx, dl

    movb        (%dl), %al          # moves it to the return register eax
    jmp     exit                    # ending function


    popl        %ebp                # popping - standard end of a function
                                    # 0-byte ? should there be one?
    ret                             # return
                    .globl  char

# Name:         char
# Synopsis:         A simplified sprintf
# C-signature:      int sprinter(unsigned char *res, unsigned char);
# Registers:        %EDX: first argument
#               %EBX: second argument

char:                   # char

    pushl       %ebp            # start of
    movl        %esp, %ebp      # function

    movl        8(%ebp), %edx           # first argument
    movl        12(%ebp), %eax          # second argument

    movb        %al, (%edx)     # eax low gets the val at edx
    movb        $65, (%edx)     # puts A to the string
    jmp     exit            # jump to exit  


    popl        %ebp            # popping standard end of function
    movb        $0,1(%edx)      # adds the zero-byte at end                     
    ret                 # return

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