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[英]How to add an attribute to XML

I am returning an object from a web service. 我从Web服务返回一个对象。 It arrives in XML format - 它以XML格式到达-

<DailyTracker xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/MSI.Web.MSINet.BusinessEntities">
    <DepartmentName>String content</DepartmentName>
    <EmailAddress>String content</EmailAddress>
    <PayCode>String content</PayCode>
etc, etc...

This is coming from an asp.net website using c#. 这来自使用c#的asp.net网站。 I am returning an object of type DailyTracker. 我返回的是DailyTracker类型的对象。 how can I add an attribute to one of the elements? 如何为其中一个元素添加属性? Is that possible? 那可能吗? Thanks! 谢谢!

Instantiate an XDocument using the XML returned from the service. 使用从服务返回的XML实例化XDocument Get the XElement that you want, then add a new XAttribute to it: 获取所需的XElement ,然后向其添加新的XAttribute

XDocument document = new XDocument(xmlString);
XElement element = document.Element("myElement");
element.Add(new XAttribute("MyAttr", "My Value"));


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