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C#operator ==,StringBuilder.Equals,Object.Equals和Object.ReferenceEquals之间的差异

[英]C# Differences between operator ==, StringBuilder.Equals, Object.Equals and Object.ReferenceEquals

I have a question about Object.Equals and Equals(object) . 我有一个关于Object.EqualsEquals(object) My sample code is below: 我的示例代码如下:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var sb1 = new StringBuilder("Food");
        var sb2 = new StringBuilder("Food");
        Console.WriteLine(sb1 == sb2);
        Console.WriteLine(Object.Equals(sb1, sb2));
        Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(sb1, sb2));

The output is: 输出是:


But as far as I'm concerned Object.Equals(sb1, sb2) internally calls sb1.Equals(sb2) so why does it give two different results? 但就我而言, Object.Equals(sb1, sb2)内部调用sb1.Equals(sb2) ,为什么它会给出两个不同的结果呢?

You are missing another test: 你错过了另一个测试:

Console.WriteLine(sb1.Equals((object)sb2)); // False!

StringBuilder does not override Equals(object) , it overloads it with another Equals(StringBuilder) . StringBuilder不会覆盖Equals(object) ,它会使用另一个Equals(StringBuilder) 重载它。

Object.Equals(object, object) is calling Equals(object) , so the result is false. Object.Equals(object, object)正在调用Equals(object) ,因此结果为false。

You are using 4 different methods of comparison, result in different results: 您正在使用4种不同的比较方法,导致不同的结果:

  • Operator == will by default do a check if the references are equal. 默认情况下,运算符==会检查引用是否相等。 In this case you have two instances, so they do have two different references. 在这种情况下,您有两个实例,因此它们有两个不同的引用。 The behavior of == can overridden by any type (like string has its own method of comparison), but in case of the StringBuilder it is not. ==的行为可以被任何类型覆盖(比如string有自己的比较方法),但是在StringBuilder情况下它不是。
  • Method StringBuilder.Equals(StringBuilder) will compare with another StringBuilder and compares some inside values. 方法StringBuilder.Equals(StringBuilder)将与另一个StringBuilder进行比较并比较一些内部值。 These values are, in your case, the same. 在您的情况下,这些值是相同的。 Strange thing is that StringBuilder does not override the method StringBuilder.Equals(object) to apply the same logic. 奇怪的是, StringBuilder不会覆盖方法StringBuilder.Equals(object)来应用相同的逻辑。
  • Method object.Equals(object, object) will try to call the method .Equals(object) of one of the objects. 方法object.Equals(object, object)将尝试调用其中一个.Equals(object)的方法.Equals(object) In this case: StringBuilder.Equals(object) which, as I said, did not have the logic to compare the values. 在这种情况下: StringBuilder.Equals(object) ,正如我所说,它没有比较值的逻辑。 Resulting in just a compare of the references of both instances. 导致只比较两个实例的引用。
  • Object.ReferenceEquals will just compare the references. Object.ReferenceEquals将只比较引用。

For more info, see: 有关详细信息,请参阅:

StringBuilder.equals does not compare the objects but rather from MSDN : StringBuilder.equals不会比较对象,而是来自MSDN

"True if this instance and sb have equal string , Capacity , and MaxCapacity values; otherwise, false." “如果此实例和sb具有相等的字符串容量MaxCapacity值, 则为True ;否则为false。”

The rest of the checks you're doing compare the reference. 您正在进行的其他检查会比较参考。

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