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[英]Kill processes older that one day by its name

I have a question much related to the problem. 我有一个与此问题密切相关的问题。 Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

ps -eo pid,etime,cmd|grep ${1}|grep -v grep|awk '{if ($2>="23:59:59") print $1}'|xargs kill -9

I am trying to kill all processes with specific name which etime is more than a day. 我试图杀死所有使用etime超过一天的特定名称的进程。 It worked well that way until i was told that the script cannot kill processes that represent date in a format like: 1-23:00:00. 直到我被告知该脚本无法终止以1-23:00:00之类的格式表示日期的进程之前,这种方式一直有效。

Changing variable $2 in awk procedure to 1-00:00:00 kills all processes with given name. 在awk过程中将变量$ 2更改为1-00:00:00将杀死具有给定名称的所有进程。 Can you give me a hint how to format etime properly? 您能提示我如何正确格式化etime吗?

instead of changing the awk script, I suggest changing ps option etime into etimes . 建议不要将ps选项etime更改为etimes ,而不是更改awk脚本。

With etimes you got the lifetime in seconds . 使用etimes您可以以秒为单位获得生命。 you are free to choose to kill or not kill if the value > or < a certain value. 如果值> or <一定值,则可以随意选择杀死还是不杀死。 even, $2>=somevalue1 && $2<= somevalue2 甚至$2>=somevalue1 && $2<= somevalue2

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