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[英]Multiple directives for the same module in angular

I've created a module for my angular app, and I have two similar directives that I have associated with both. 我已经为我的角度应用程序创建了一个模块,并且我有两个与此相关联的类似指令。

One (whenScrolled) is triggered when the scroll reaches the bottom of the page for infinite pagination. 当滚动到达页面底部进行无限分页时,将触发一个(whenScrolled)。 The other (fromTop) triggers either a "top" or "bottom" that can be used to hide/show a "go to top" link on the page. 另一个(fromTop)触发“顶部”或“底部”,可用于隐藏/显示页面上的“转到顶部”链接。 This is how I have them set up: 这就是我设置它们的方式:

angular.module('scroll', []).directive('fromTop', function() {
  return function(scope, element, attributes) {
    var raw = element[0]
    var scrollDistance = Math.round(window.outerHeight)

    window.onscroll = function() {
      console.log(window.pageYOffset, raw.scrollHeight + scrollDistance)
      if (window.pageYOffset >= raw.scrollHeight + scrollDistance) {
        scope.position = 'bottom'
      } else {
        scope.position = 'top'
}).directive('whenScrolled', function() {
  return function(scope, element, attributes) {
    var raw = element[0]
    var scrollDistance = Math.round(window.outerHeight)

    window.onscroll = function() {
      //console.log(window.pageYOffset, raw.scrollHeight - scrollDistance)
      if (window.pageYOffset >= raw.scrollHeight - scrollDistance) {

Unfortunately, this isn't working. 不幸的是,这不起作用。 it seems that the "whenScrolled" directive is overwriting the "fromTop" one and fromTop never gets called. 似乎“ whenScrolled”指令正在覆盖“ fromTop”,并且fromTop永远不会被调用。 However, if I delete "whenScrolled", "fromTop" gets called just fine. 但是,如果我删除“ whenScrolled”,那么“ fromTop”就可以了。 Why is this? 为什么是这样?

This has nothing to do with angular.js at all. 这与angular.js完全无关。

Your problem: You overwrite the window.onscroll function every time you attach a directive to a DOM element, which has the effect that only the last of you applied directives will work. 您的问题:每次将指令附加到DOM元素时,都会覆盖window.onscroll函数,其结果是只有最后一个应用的指令才起作用。 There can only be one onscroll function. 只能有一个onscroll功能。

You need to work around this limitation some how: 您需要通过以下方法解决此限制:

  • Using a angular service which add captures the onscroll and then propagate the changes to all your directives. 使用添加的角度服务可捕获onscroll ,然后将更改传播到所有指令。
  • Use a JavaScript library which does the same. 使用具有相同功能的JavaScript库。
  • After some digging the third option: Angular has bind function which does the same. 经过一些挖掘后的第三个选项:Angular具有bind函数,它的功能相同。 As option 2. 作为选项2。

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