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[英]stack smashing error

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char *server = "nope";
    char *user = "nope";
    char *password = "nope";
    char *database = "nope";
    unsigned int port = 0;

int cprint(char *text){//Imprime como encabezado el numero de productos sin stock sumado al argumento
    MYSQL *conn;
    MYSQL_RES *res;
    my_ulonglong num;

    conn = mysql_init(NULL);

    /* Connect to database */
    if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server,
    user, password, database, port, NULL, 0)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));

    /* send SQL query */
    if (mysql_query(conn, "SELECT id FROM productos WHERE stock <= 0")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));

    res = mysql_store_result(conn);
    num = mysql_num_rows(res);

    if(num > 0){
        printf("Productos sin stock: %llu\n",num);
        printf("No hay productos sin stock\n");

    /*close connection */

return 0;

char *remove_newline(char *s)
    int len = strlen(s);

    if (len > 0 && s[len-1] == '\n')  // if there's a newline
        s[len-1] = '\0';          // truncate the string

    return s;

int newproduct(){
    char *name = malloc(127*sizeof(char));//nombre del producto
    char *desc = malloc(127*sizeof(char));//descripcion del producto
    double price;//precio del producto
    cprint("Agregar nuevo producto\n\n");
    printf("Nombre del producto: ");
    fgets(name, 127, stdin);
    name = remove_newline(name);
    printf("Descripcion: ");
    fgets(desc, 127, stdin);
    name = remove_newline(desc);
    printf("Precio: ");
    scanf("%e", &price);

    MYSQL *conn;
    conn = mysql_init(NULL);
    printf("Mysql initiated\n");
    if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server,
    user, password, database, port, NULL, 0)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));
    printf("connection established\n");
    char rname[256];//string donde guardar el nombre con caracteres de escape
    char rdesc[256];
    printf("Vars declared\n");
    mysql_real_escape_string(conn,rname,name,256);//se agregan los caracteres de escape
    printf("name escaped\n");
    printf("desc escaped\n");
    char *query;//donde guardar el query

    snprintf(query,1000,"INSERT INTO productos (nombre,descripcion,stock,precio) VALUES( %s,%s, 0, %e)",rname,rdesc,price);//query a enviar

    if (mysql_query(conn, query)) {//enviar el query
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));

    printf("Mysql closed\n");
return 0;

int main(){
    printf("Sales Assistant Alpha v0.0\n");//Nombre y version del programa
    unsigned int choice;//numero de eleccion del menu
    char *err = NULL;//Error
    while(1){//loop infinito
        cprint("Menu Principal\n\n");//imprime el encabezado
        printf("1-Agregar nuevo producto\n");
        printf("2-Editar producto existente\n");
        printf("3-Productos sin stock\n");
        printf("4-Agregar pedido\n");
        printf("5-Salir de la aplicacion\n\n");

        if(err != NULL){//evalua si hubo un error y lo imprime
            err = NULL;

        printf("Numero de eleccion: ");
        scanf("%i",&choice);//pide eleccion
        if (scanf("%*[^\n]") != EOF){//read and discard all non-newlines
        scanf("%*c"); //then read and discard the newline
        switch(choice){//evalua la eleccion y ejecuta la funcion correspondiente
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                exit(0);//termina el programa
                err = "Eleccion no valida";//error
return 0;

And the console execution: 和控制台执行:

Sales Assistant Alpha v0.0


Productos sin stock: 3


Menu Principal

1-Agregar nuevo producto
2-Editar producto existente
3-Productos sin stock
4-Agregar pedido
5-Salir de la aplicacion

Numero de eleccion: 1


Productos sin stock: 3


Agregar nuevo producto

Nombre del producto: a
Descripcion: a
Precio: 1
Mysql initiated
connection established
Vars declared
name escaped
desc escaped
Mysql closed
*** stack smashing detected ***: ./sales_assistant terminated
Aborted (core dumped)

(program exited with code: 134)
Press return to continue

i have this stack smashing thing that is unknown to me. 我有这个堆栈粉碎的东西,我不知道。 Besides that i want to know how much memory i can safely allocate without getting bus error. 除此之外,我想知道我可以安全地分配多少内存而不会出现总线错误。

IMPORTANT:when i disable the mysql_real_escape_string functions the code works normally, so the problem is there, but i dont know what the problem is. 重要提示:当我禁用mysql_real_escape_string函数时,代码正常工作,所以问题出在那里,但我不知道问题是什么。

thanks, matt. 谢谢,亚光。

edited Added the complete code and translated to english. 编辑添加完整代码并翻译成英文。 Also changed the question because i got a new error. 也改变了问题,因为我有一个新的错误。 Added debugging code. 添加了调试代码。

When you ask for a number with scanf("%i", &choice); 当你要求一个带有scanf("%i", &choice);的数字时scanf("%i", &choice); (the result of which should be checked!), you leave the newline behind. (结果应该检查!),你留下换行符。 When you read a line with fgets() in newproduct() , it reads the newline left behind. 当您在newproduct()读取带有fgets()的行时,它会读取留下的换行符。

Ultimately, if you're doing line-based inputs, use fgets() or readline() (from POSIX 2008) to read the line and sscanf() to parse the line. 最后,如果您正在进行基于行的输入,请使用fgets()readline() (来自POSIX 2008)来读取行,使用sscanf()来解析行。

your malloc() is wrong for a (char*) 你的malloc()对于(char *)是错误的

should be: 应该:

char *name = malloc(127*sizeof(char));//nombre del producto
char *desc = malloc(127*sizeof(char));

The problem was indeed mysql_real_escape_string(). 问题确实是mysql_real_escape_string()。 the thing was that the length argument must be the *from lenght instead of the *to lenght like i was doing. 问题是,长度参数必须是*来自lenght而不是*,就像我正在做的那样。 im very happy that i worked that thing out, i was getting really frustrated. 我非常高兴我做了那件事,我真的很沮丧。

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