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[英]Image Rotation in IE8

I am having problem while rotating the image in IE 8 , it works perfect in other browsers(Chrome,Mozilla,Firefox). 我在IE 8中旋转图像时遇到问题,它在其他浏览器(Chrome,Mozilla,Firefox)中运行完美。

Is there any other way for this except filter progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Basic Image(rotation) as I am having some problem while using this filter in zooming the image in IE 8. 除了过滤器progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Basic Image(rotation)之外,还有其他方法progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Basic Image(rotation)因为在IE 8中使用此过滤器缩放图像时遇到了一些问题。

After a perticular level of zoom ,image resets to its normal rotation(Angle 0) before that zoom level everything goes perfect but once this scenario occurs image resets on every zoom level on rotation of image. 在垂直缩放级别之后,图像将重置为其正常旋转(角度0),然后该缩放级别一切都将变得完美,但是一旦发生这种情况,图像将在图像旋转的每个缩放级别上重置。 I think it may be the filters issue. 我认为这可能是过滤器问题。

if any good article is there for the same then kindly share , this can also be helpful. 如果有相同的好文章,然后请分享,这也会有所帮助。

The transform property is CSS3 and is not supported in IE8. transform属性为CSS3,IE8不支持该属性。 Your only options are to use the filter property, or draw vector shapes using VML . 您唯一的选择是使用filter属性,或使用VML绘制矢量形状。

IE's old filter styles are notoriously buggy. IE的旧filter样式臭名昭著。 Thank goodness it's less of an issue now that modern IE versions don't need it any more. 谢天谢地,现在现代IE版本不再需要它了,这不再是一个问题。

Yes, it's possible to use them to do things like rotation and gradients, etc in older IE versions, but you have to be careful to understand that they are ActiveX controls, and not a native part of the browser. 是的,可以在较旧的IE版本中使用它们执行诸如旋转和渐变之类的操作,但是您必须小心了解它们是ActiveX控件,而不是浏览器的本机部分。

This means that they have some limitations and quirks, some of which cannot be worked around. 这意味着,他们有一定的局限性和怪癖,其中一些不能被周围的工作。 In particular, you will have problems if you try to combine them with other browser features that modify the element or the layout around it. 特别是,如果您尝试将它们与修改元素或元素周围布局的其他浏览器功能结合使用,则会遇到问题。

I've never tried using zoom in conjunction with a filter rotation, but it sounds like a classic case of features that may not work well together. 我从未尝试过将zoom与滤镜旋转结合使用,但这听起来像是经典功能无法一起正常使用的情况。 If that's the case, you may simply have to accept that it's not going to work in old IE versions. 如果是这样,您可能只需要接受它就不能在旧的IE版本中工作。

Perhaps you could find an alternative way to do what you want without using zoom ? 也许您可以找到一种无需使用zoom即可完成所需操作的替代方法? If it's a text element, maybe doubling the font-size would do the trick? 如果这是一个文本元素,那么将font-size加倍也许可以解决问题? Or if it's an image, maybe increasing the width and height and letting the browser scale the image for you. 或者,如果是图像,则可以增加宽度和高度,并让浏览器为您缩放图像。

If none of that works, the final solution may simply be to provide IE8 users with a slightly less exciting version of your site that doesn't do zooming and rotation quite a much as it does in other browsers. 如果这些都不起作用,那么最终的解决方案可能只是为IE8用户提供一个稍微不太令人兴奋的网站版本,该版本的缩放和旋转效果不如其他浏览器那么大。

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