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[英]How to load JSON Data in jQuery-jTable plugin?

I am working on creating a table form using jTable plugin. 我正在使用jTable插件创建表格表单。 It mainly focus for ASP or PHP MVC but I'm trying to implement it with javascript/html and mongo backend. 它主要针对ASP或PHP MVC,但我正在尝试使用javascript / html和mongo后端来实现它。

I went through entire jTable API documentation and I found out there is possibility of populating json schema api into table, quite similiar in flexigrid. 我遍历了整个jTable API文档 ,发现有可能将json模式api填充到表中,这在flexigrid中非常相似。

The code looks like: 代码如下:

 $(document).ready(function () {
              title: 'Accounts',
              pageSize: 15,
              ajaxSettings: {
                  type: 'GET',
                  dataType: 'json'
              actions: {

              fields: {
                  id: {
                      key: true,
                      list: false
                  username: {
                      title: 'Username',
                      width: '10%'
                  email: {
                      title: 'Email',
                      width: '10%'
                  applications: {
                      title: 'Applications',
                      width: '10%'
                  sites: {
                      title: 'Sites',
                      width: '10%'
                  verticals: {
                      title: 'Verticals',
                      width: '10%'
                  roles: {
                      title: 'Roles',
                      width: '10%'
                  profiles: {
                      title: 'Record date',
                      width: '30%',
                      type: 'date',
                      create: false,
                      edit: false

If anyone can help me to find out where should I use URL property or is there any other method in the API reference to GET the data and display in table. 如果有人可以帮助我找出我应该在哪里使用URL属性,或者API参考中是否有任何其他方法来获取数据并显示在表格中。 Please let me know! 请告诉我!

You can directly load JSON data by setting the 'listAction' to a JSON document . 您可以通过将'listAction'设置为JSON文档来直接加载JSON数据。

Example: 例:

actions: {
  listAction: 'url/file.json',

Your JSON file needs to have the same fields specified and the next structure: 您的JSON文件需要指定相同的字段和下一个结构:

    {"PersonId":1,"Name":"Benjamin Button","Age":17,"RecordDate":"\/Date(1320259705710)\/"},
    {"PersonId":2,"Name":"Douglas Adams","Age":42,"RecordDate":"\/Date(1320259705710)\/"},
    {"PersonId":3,"Name":"Isaac Asimov","Age":26,"RecordDate":"\/Date(1320259705710)\/"},
    {"PersonId":4,"Name":"Thomas More","Age":65,"RecordDate":"\/Date(1320259705710)\/"}

The common way is to point the 'listAction' to a server side script (PHP,ASP.NET...) that return the above JSON object. 常见的方法是将“ listAction”指向返回上述JSON对象的服务器端脚本(PHP,ASP.NET ...)。

Check the listAction API reference for more information: ApiReference-listAction 检查listAction API参考以获取更多信息: ApiReference-listAction

Use the addRecord action. 使用addRecord操作。 It gives you the option to specify clientOnly: true which will prevent jtable from making a server call when you edit a row. 它为您提供了指定clientOnly: true的选项,这将防止jtable在编辑行时进行服务器调用。 More Information - jtable.org-addRecord 更多信息-jtable.org-addRecord

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