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Java Graphics2D 透明背景

[英]Java Graphics2D transparent background

I have a Graphics2D object and I want to set up the background of the object.我有一个Graphics2D对象,我想设置对象的背景。 It has a setBackground method, which has a Color parameter.它有一个setBackground方法,该方法有一个 Color 参数。 This way I can set the color of the background.这样我就可以设置背景的颜色。

My question is: how can I set the transparency of the background of the object?我的问题是:如何设置对象背景的透明度? Can I somehow tell it to be completely transparent?我能以某种方式告诉它完全透明吗? Can I somehow tell it to be completely opaque?我能以某种方式告诉它完全不透明吗? Can I somehow tell it to have 0.8 transparency/opacity?我能以某种方式告诉它具有 0.8 的透明度/不透明度吗? How can I set these values?如何设置这些值?

I have seen that there are int predefined values called TRANSLUCENT and OPAQUE , but I am not sure how can I use them.我已经看到有称为TRANSLUCENTOPAQUE int 预定义值,但我不确定如何使用它们。

Maybe the correct usage is to call the constructor of Color with an int parameter?也许正确的用法是使用 int 参数调用 Color 的构造函数?

You can construct a Color object by specifying a transparency.您可以通过指定透明度来构造 Color 对象。 For example the following code constructs a RED color with 50% transparency例如下面的代码构造了一个透明度为 50% 的红色

Color c=new Color(1f,0f,0f,.5f );

You can call the constructor of Color in the following way:您可以通过以下方式调用 Color 的构造函数:

Color c = new Color(r,g,b,a);

where a is the alpha (transparency) value.其中 a 是 alpha(透明度)值。

As with all Java classes, you can find this information in the official API: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Color.html与所有 Java 类一样,您可以在官方 API 中找到此信息: http : //docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Color.html

It's a really good resource and can spare you waiting for an answer on here.这是一个非常好的资源,可以让您在此处等待答案。

如果您使用的是 JPanel,您可以试试这个: jPanel1.setOpaque(false);

jPanel1.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,200));
/*This will put a transparent black color on a panel, the important part of the code is: .setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,200));*/

Java is actually pretty good at this stuff, you can achieve transparency and much more. Java实际上非常擅长这些东西,您可以实现透明度等等。 Here's some code for a simple transparent window I copied from oracle:这是我从 oracle 复制的一个简单透明窗口的一些代码:

package misc;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import static java.awt.GraphicsDevice.WindowTranslucency.*;

public class TranslucentWindowDemo extends JFrame {
    public TranslucentWindowDemo() {
        setLayout(new GridBagLayout());


        //Add a sample button.
        add(new JButton("I am a Button"));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Determine if the GraphicsDevice supports translucency.
        GraphicsEnvironment ge =
        GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();

        //If translucent windows aren't supported, exit.
        if (!gd.isWindowTranslucencySupported(TRANSLUCENT)) {
                "Translucency is not supported");


        // Create the GUI on the event-dispatching thread
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
               TranslucentWindowDemo tw = new TranslucentWindowDemo();

                // Set the window to 55% opaque (45% translucent).

                // Display the window.

Look here for more information. 在这里查看更多信息。

If what you want is to give a transparent effect use the Color properties to 4 variables:如果您想要的是提供透明效果,请将颜色属性用于 4 个变量:

this.setBackground (new Color (0,0,0, .5f)); this.setBackground (新颜色 (0,0,0, .5f));

this gives the background the RGB color of the first three parameters (*new Color (** 0,0,0, **. 5f)*) and the fourth is used to determine the percentage of opacity ( opaque )这为背景提供了前三个参数的 RGB 颜色(*new Color (** 0,0,0, **. 5f)*),第四个参数用于确定不透明度的百分比( opaque

If you want the background not to be displayed, use the value null如果不希望背景显示,请使用值null

this.setBackground (null); this.setBackground (null);

Many use setOpaque (false);许多使用 setOpaque (false); but that takes away the padding not the background .但这带走了填充而不是背景

Use the constructor of the color like this:像这样使用颜色的构造函数:

Color color = new Color(152,251,152, 50);

The value 50 is for the transparency.值 50 用于透明度。

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