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Google App Engine可以内置什么?

[英]What can google app engine build in to?

I've been looking at this for the past hour and can't find a direct answer. 在过去的一个小时中,我一直在研究此问题,但找不到直接的答案。 Does this build into a website and anyone who can access a browser have access to it and that's it? 这是否建在网站中,并且可以访问浏览器的任何人都可以访问它,仅此而已?

I was curious if it can build for mobile devices like Apple, Android, Windows Phones and also have a web page for it. 我很好奇它是否可以为苹果,Android,Windows Phones等移动设备构建,并且还可以为其提供网页。 Pretty much looking for an engine that can build for web/pc + android, apple, windows phones, kindle etc . 几乎在寻找可以为Web / PC + Android,Apple,Windows Phone,Kindle等构建的引擎。

Any advice is greatly appreciated, sorry for the newbie question. 非常感谢任何建议,对于新手问题,我们深表歉意。 Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

You can use it to build anything that are served from an URL (eg http://example.com/something ). 您可以使用它来构建通过URL提供的任何内容(例如http://example.com/something )。

That includes web pages, the "backend" for any application that GET/POST something to an http:// - which means any mobile Apps. 其中包括网页,即将某物获取/发布到http://的任何应用程序的“后端”,这意味着任何移动应用程序。 And anything else you can imagine that make use of http:// to communicate between a client and a server 您可以想象的其他任何事情都可以利用http://在客户端和服务器之间进行通信

And a very important requirement, you need to have some programming knowledge in order to use this. 一个非常重要的要求,您需要具备一些编程知识才能使用它。 Otherwise you should be looking for more general web hosting service. 否则,您应该寻找更常规的网络托管服务。

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