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[英]Grails not using query cache in view

I've found an odd issue regarding the query cache in grails and where it's called. 我在grails中的查询缓存及其调用位置发现了一个奇怪的问题。 I've tested this several times and got the same result. 我已经对此进行了多次测试,并得到了相同的结果。

Problem: The bellow view\\gsp code hits the database every time even though i have cache:true on. 问题:即使我启用了cache:true ,波纹管视图\\ gsp代码也会每次都命中数据库。

 <g:select name="foo.thing.id" in="${Thing.findAll([cache:true])}" value="${foo.thing?.id}" />

Workaround: Pushing the query call into the controller respects the cache:true argument and it now stops hitting the database on every page load. 解决方法:将查询调用推入控制器时会遵循cache:true参数,并且现在它在每次页面加载时都不会再访问数据库。

Controller: 控制器:

def doStuff = {
  def things = Thing.findAll([cache:true]);
  return ['things':things]

View: 视图:

<g:select name="foo.thing.id" in="${things}" value="${foo.thing?.id}" />

I'm using Grails 1.3.7 with the following config.... 我正在使用Grails 1.3.7进行以下配置...。

hibernate {

Has anyone else seen this or can describe to me why it would work differently? 有没有其他人看到过这个或者可以向我描述为什么它会以不同的方式工作?


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