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[英]Exclude a few words from a simple regex in PHP

I'm categorizing a few folders on my drives and I want to weed out low quality files using this regex (this works): 我在驱动器上分类了几个文件夹,我想用这个正则表达式清除低质量的文件(这个工作):


Now some filenames are in High Definition but still have DVD or XviD in their filenames but also 1080p, 720p, 1080i or 720i. 现在有些文件名是高清晰度的,但文件名中仍然有DVD或XviD,但也有1080p,720p,1080i或720i。 I need a single regex to match the one above but exclude these words 1080p, 720p, 1080i or 720i. 我需要一个正则表达式来匹配上面的那个,但排除这些单词1080p,720p,1080i或720i。

Use two regex's 使用两个正则表达式

one to find if it matches 一个找到它是否匹配


Then if it doesn't , that is no match is found for the above, check for matches: 然后,如果没有 ,那就找不到匹配的内容,检查匹配:


Regular expressions don't support inverse matching, you could use negative look-arounds but for this task I wouldn't say they're appropriate. 正则表达式不支持反向匹配,你可以使用负面的环顾,但对于这个任务,我不会说它们是合适的。 As you check for all the cases of 1080p-divx , you put a negative look ahead, however it doesn't catch divx-10bit-1080p , you couldn't achieve this in a simple regex. 当你检查1080p-divx所有情况时,你会看到负面的情况,但它没有捕获divx-10bit-1080p ,你无法在一个简单的正则表达式中实现这一点。

You can use a negative lookahead for this 你可以使用负向前瞻


This will match on your search strings, but fail if there is also 1080p|720p|1080i|720i in the string. 这将匹配您的搜索字符串,但如果字符串中还有1080p|720p|1080i|720i ,则会失败。

You can do it like this: 你可以这样做:

$subjects = array('Arrival of the train at La Ciotat station.avi',
                  'Gardenator II - multi - DVDrip - 720i.mkv',
                  'The adventures of Roberto the bear - divx.avi',
                  'Tokyo’s Ginza District - dvdrip.mkv');

$pattern = '~(?(DEFINE)(?<excl>(?>d(?>vd(?>rip|scr)|ivx)|pdtv|xvid|320p|480p)))
             ^\g<keep>*\g<excl>\g<keep>*$  ~ix';

foreach($subjects as $subject) {
    if (preg_match($pattern, $subject)) echo $subject."\n"; }

The main interest is to avoid to test a lookahead on each character. 主要的兴趣是避免测试每个角色的前瞻。

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