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[英]Best way to implement UIToolbar with UITextField above keyboard

What is the best way to have a UIToolbar with a UITextField appear above the keyboard ? 使具有UITextFieldUIToolbar出现在键盘上方的最佳方法是什么?

In particular, I'm looking for a way to implement this in iOS 6. 特别是,我正在寻找在iOS 6中实施此方法的方法。

The basic functionality I am trying to achieve is similar to iOS SMS app except the keyboard would appear by default. 我尝试实现的基本功能类似于iOS SMS应用程序,但默认情况下会出现键盘。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Either adding a toolbar to your storyboard and add an outlet to it, or add the toolbar to a xib file then use InputAccessoryView of text field you want to add the toolbar to it eg 将工具栏添加到情节提要板中并为其添加插座,或将工具栏添加至xib文件,然后使用要向其添加工具栏的文本字段的InputAccessoryView。

[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"KeyboardToolbar" owner:self options:nil];
[textField setInputAccessoryView:keyboardToolbar];


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