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[英]Result of RSA encryption/decryption has 3 question marks

I am using RSA to encrypt and decrypt small notepad file with 1 or 2 words. 我正在使用RSA加密和解密1或2个单词的小型记事本文件。 After processing file result has 3 question marks on the begging of result. 处理文件结果后,结果请求上有3个问号。

For example, if i encrypt and then decrypt notepad file with word "Hello" in it, result would be "???Hello". 例如,如果我加密然后用单词“ Hello”解密记事本文件,则结果将是“ ??? Hello”。 Where did that 3 question marks come from? 那三个问号来自哪里?

This is the code: 这是代码:

    public partial class Form1 : Form

    private RSAParameters publicKey;
    private RSAParameters privateKey;

    public string result;

    public Form1()
        var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
        this.publicKey = rsa.ExportParameters(false);
        this.privateKey = rsa.ExportParameters(true);

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void openFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
        textBox1.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;

    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(textBox1.Text, FileMode.Open);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[fileStream.Length];
        int len = (int)fileStream.Length;
        fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, len);

        var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

        var encrypted = rsa.Encrypt(buffer, false);

        result = Convert.ToBase64String(encrypted);

    private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

        byte[] toDecode = Convert.FromBase64String(result);

        var decrypted = rsa.Decrypt(toDecode, false);

        string msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decrypted);

It's likely that your input file encoding is UTF8, and you are decoding it into ASCII. 您的输入文件编码可能是UTF8,并且正在将其解码为ASCII。 Try changing 尝试改变

string msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decrypted);


string msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted);

The question marks are generated by the Byte Order Mark (BOM) in front of the text. 问号由文本前面的字节顺序标记(BOM)生成。 It is uncommon for UTF-8 which does not require a BOM. 对于不需要BOM的UTF-8并不常见。 It is more common for UTF-16 where endianness is an issue, but as the rest of the plain text seems to decode to ASCII, it can not be UTF-16 encoded. 对于UTF-16来说,字节序是个问题,但这种情况更为常见,但是由于其余的纯文本似乎都已解码为ASCII,因此无法对其进行UTF-16编码。

Note that ASCII cannot show any characters with value 127 ( 7F in hexadecimals) or higher. 请注意,ASCII不能显示任何值为127(十六进制为7F )或更高的字符。 The .NET platform seems to silently replace the BOM values with question marks. .NET平台似乎用问号默默地替换了BOM值。

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