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[英]Check for null value of model property inside partial view

I am working on a asp.net mvc 3 application and I've made several partial views each one responsible for rendering of specific logic. 我正在一个asp.net mvc 3应用程序上工作,我做了几个局部视图,每个局部视图负责呈现特定的逻辑。 Inside one of my views I use properties which can be null, but I don't want to pass null to the @Html.DisplayFor() and write something more user friendly to the user to know that these fields are not missing, they just don't have nothing assigned to them yet. 在我的一个视图中,我使用了可以为null的属性,但我不想将null传递给@Html.DisplayFor()并向用户写一些对用户更友好的信息,以知道这些字段没有丢失,它们只是尚未分配任何东西。

So I try this : 所以我尝试这样:

                @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model[0][0].FieldValue))
                    @Html.DisplayFor(Model => Model[0][0].FieldValue)
                @Html.DisplayFor(Model => Model[1][0].FieldValue) 

I don't have else clause because writing the if statement results in getting both Model => in the DisplayFor marked with red and the following message : 我没有else子句,因为编写if语句会导致在DisplayFor中获得用红色标记的Model =>和以下消息:

A local variable named 'Model' can not be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'Model' which is already used in a 'parent or current' scope to denote something. 不能在此范围内声明名为“ Model”的局部变量,因为它将给“ Model”赋予不同的含义,“ Model”已在“父级或当前”范围中用于表示某些内容。

Basically I think I understand what this error means however I don't know how to check for null properly in this situation. 基本上,我认为我理解此错误的含义,但是在这种情况下,我不知道如何正确检查null。

The error message is caused by the redefinition of the Model variable. 该错误消息是由Model变量的重新定义引起的。 Try 尝试

@Html.DisplayFor(x => x[0][0].FieldValue)

You might find this SO question useful to understand the "=>" thingie. 您可能会发现此SO问题对于理解“ =>”事物很有用。

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