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[英]non abstract methods of abstract class thread safe

I have an abstract class with non abstract methods. 我有一个带有非抽象方法的抽象类。 I want to know if these non abstract methods are thread safe by default? 我想知道这些非抽象方法默认情况下是否是线程安全的吗?

To make the question more clear, here is an example 为了使问题更清楚,这里有一个例子

public abstract Class Animal {
  private List foo;
  non abstract method survive() {
    //bla bla bla
    foo = foo * 2
    foo = nul
    //bla bla bla
  abstract method eat();
  abstract method sleep();

public class Cat extends Animal {

public class Dog extends Animal {

//etc etc

If both the Cat and Dog wants to survive at the same time, does Java takes care of it by default? 如果猫和狗都希望同时生存,那么Java是否会默认照顾它? Or should I make the Animal.survive() method as synchronized? 还是应该使Animal.survive()方法同步?

Abstract class methods are not any special in terms of concurrent access. 就并发访问而言,抽象类方法没有任何特殊之处。 If you are working on a static resource in your non-abstract method then you should make it synchronize to avoid any concurrent access problem. 如果您以非抽象方法处理静态资源,则应使其同步以避免任何并发访问问题。

If class A extends class B, then all the objects of class B can use public and non-abstract methods from A. Obviously, you can override this functions in B, but if you won't do this, then there would be no problem in using (public, non-abstract) functions from A. 如果类A扩展了类B,则类B的所有对象都可以使用A中的公共和非抽象方法。显然,您可以在B中重写此函数,但是如果您不这样做,那么就不会有问题使用A中的(公共,非抽象)函数

Word abstract in A put in front of a method means, that you have to override it in the subclass. 方法前面的A中的单词抽象意味着必须在子类中覆盖它。


"Writing thread safe code is, at its core, about managing access to state, and in particular to shared, mutable state." “编写线程安全代码的核心是管理对状态的访问,尤其是对共享的可变状态的访问。” - Java Concurrency In Practice - -Java并发实践-

foo state is very important. foo状态非常重要。

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