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[英]Generate a complete list of key-value coding paths for nested NSDictionary's?

I have an NSDictionary that contains keys and values, and some values will also be NSDictionary s... to an arbitrary (but reasonable) level. 我有一个包含键和值的NSDictionary ,并且一些值也将是NSDictionary s ...到任意(但合理)级别。

I would like to get a list of all valid KVC paths, eg given: 我想获得所有有效KVC路径的列表,例如:

    "foo" = "bar",
    "qux" = {
        "taco" = "delicious",
        "burrito" = "also delicious",

I would get: 我会得到:


Is there a simple way to do this that already exists? 是否有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点已经存在?

You could recurse through allKeys . 你可以通过allKeysallKeys A key is a key path, obviously, and then if the value is an NSDictionary you can recurse and append. 显然,键是键路径,然后如果值是NSDictionary,则可以递归和追加。

- (void) obtainKeyPaths:(id)val intoArray:(NSMutableArray*)arr withString:(NSString*)s {
    if ([val isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
        for (id aKey in [val allKeys]) {
            NSString* path = 
                (!s ? aKey : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", s, aKey]);
            [arr addObject: path];
            [self obtainKeyPaths: [val objectForKey:aKey] 
                       intoArray: arr 
                      withString: path];

And here is how to call it: 以下是如何称呼它:

NSMutableArray* arr = [NSMutableArray array];
[self obtainKeyPaths:d intoArray:arr withString:nil];

Afterwards, arr contains your list of key paths. 之后, arr包含您的关键路径列表。

Here is a Swift version I wrote after taking note from Matt's answer. 这是我在马特回答后记下的一个Swift版本。

extension NSDictionary {
    func allKeyPaths() -> Set<String> {
        //Container for keypaths
        var keyPaths = Set<String>()
        //Recursive function
        func allKeyPaths(forDictionary dict: NSDictionary, previousKeyPath path: String?) {
            //Loop through the dictionary keys
            for key in dict.allKeys {
                //Define the new keyPath
                guard let key = key as? String else { continue }
                let keyPath = path != nil ? "\(path!).\(key)" : key
                //Recurse if the value for the key is another dictionary
                if let nextDict = dict[key] as? NSDictionary {
                    allKeyPaths(forDictionary: nextDict, previousKeyPath: keyPath)
                //End the recursion and append the keyPath
        allKeyPaths(forDictionary: self, previousKeyPath: nil)
        return keyPaths

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