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[英]in css3, use calc() to center vertically with vh and vw

in what has to be a widely used case, using vh for height of a div , and using vm for font size. 在什么必须是一个广泛使用的情况下,使用vh作为div高度,并使用vm作为字体大小。

css3 CSS3

div.outer { height: 20vh; }
div.inner { font-size: 3vw; height: auto; }
div.inner2 { font-size: 2vw; }

html - case 1 HTML - 案例1

  <div.inner>center me!</div>

html - case 2 HTML - 案例2

  <div.inner>center me top!</div>
  <div.inner2>center me bottom!</div>

is there any way to use calc() and other css3 properties to vertically center the div.inner within the div.outer ? 有没有办法使用calc()和其他css3属性垂直居中div.inner内的div.outer

If you only use one line you can use line-height: 20vh; 如果你只使用一行,你可以使用line-height: 20vh; .

http://jsfiddle.net/jxu2T/ http://jsfiddle.net/jxu2T/

The best thing to do which isn't future proof is to use top padding. 最好的办法是使用顶部填充,这不是未来的证明。

Sadly calc() didn't work with vh , vm on Chrome (it was fixed 2014-04-30) 可悲的是, calc() 无法与 vhvm在Chrome上运行(已修复2014-04-30)

I know this is not an answer to your exact question, though I thought I'd mention it as a possible alternative. 我知道这不是你确切问题的答案,尽管我认为我会把它作为一种可能的选择。

I'm currently tackling a vertical alignment issue myself and until recently had relied on nasty javascript calculations to get the job done! 我目前正在处理垂直对齐问题,直到最近才依赖讨厌的javascript计算来完成工作! This falls over if the element or parent elements are hidden. 如果隐藏元素或父元素,则会失败。

If you are fine using CSS3, might I suggest looking into box-align? 如果你使用CSS3很好,我建议你看看盒子对齐吗? It seems to do the trick for me. 它似乎为我做了伎俩。

http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_box-align.asp http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_box-align.asp

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