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[英]Binding an object to a datagrid column

I have an employee class which contains an instance of a person class: 我有一个employee类,其中包含一个person的实例:

List<Employee> emp = (AdventureWorks.Employees.Select(n => n)).ToList();

showgrid.ItemsSource = emp;

DataGridTextColumn data_column = new DataGridTextColumn();
data_column.Binding = new Binding("Person=>FirstName");
data_column.Header = "First Name";


How do I bind the field firstname inside the person object with the column First Name ? 如何绑定字段firstname里面person与列对象First Name

If you want to do it in code you would do something like the one shown below : 如果要在代码中执行此操作,则可以执行以下所示的操作:

    private void BindDataToGrid()
        //Sample Data
        List<Employee> empList =new List<Employee>();        
        empList.Add(new Employee(){FirstName = "Rob", LastName="Cruise"});
        empList.Add(new Employee() { FirstName = "Lars", LastName = "Fisher" });
        empList.Add(new Employee() { FirstName = "Jon", LastName = "Arbuckle" });
        empList.Add(new Employee() { FirstName = "Peter", LastName = "Toole" });

        DataGridTextColumn data_column = new DataGridTextColumn();
        data_column.Binding = new Binding("FirstName");
        data_column.Header = "First Name";

        data_column = new DataGridTextColumn();
        data_column.Binding = new Binding("LastName");
        data_column.Header = "Last Name";

        showgrid.ItemsSource = empList;
        showgrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

    private class Employee
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }

you need a public property for your class person in your employee class. 您需要为员工班级中的班级人员提供公共财产。 eg. 例如。

public person MyPerson {get;set;}

then you can bind with "." 那么您可以绑定“。” in your bindings 在你的绑定中

data_column.Binding = new Binding("MyPerson.FirstName");

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