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[英]Sanitizing user input path names

Using Python 2.6 on Windows I have a function that needs to accept a path name as an arg. 在Windows上使用Python 2.6,我有一个需要接受路径名作为arg的函数。 I'm running into issues when certain specific paths are passed. 通过某些特定路径时,我遇到了问题。

C:\users\bob\something.png    #this is handled no prob.
C:\users\bob\nothing.png      #this generates a WindowsError
C:\users\bob\test.png         #this also generates a WindowsError

What I'm gathering is that the \\n in the "nothing" path is being interpreted as a new line, and the \\t in the "test" path is being interpreted as a tab. 我正在收集的内容是,“ nothing”路径中的\\n被解释为新行,而“ test”路径中的\\t被解释为制表符。

If I print out the path names, that's what appears to be happening. 如果我打印出路径名,那似乎正在发生。

print os.path.abspath("C:\users\bob\nothing.png")

Same for the 'test' path, except a tab instead of a new line. 与“测试”路径相同,但使用制表符代替换行符。

The only thing I've come up with so far is to do a check to see if \\n or \\t are in the path name, and then handle it accordingly, but there must assuredly be a better way. 到目前为止,我唯一想出的就是检查路径名中是否有\\n\\t ,然后进行相应的处理,但是肯定有更好的方法。

if '\n' in path_name:
    #escape slash, move on

What would a better way be? 有什么更好的办法?

print os.path.abspath(r"C:\users\bob\nothing.png")

may be what your looking for ... 可能是您想要的...

although user input should automatically be escaping the slash ... 尽管用户输入应自动转义斜线...

>>> a = raw_input("Enter Path:")
Enter Path:C:\www\a\nothing.jpg
>>> a

as you can see from this example user input is indeed escaped 从该示例中可以看到,用户输入确实被转义了

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