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了解具有本地状态的对象 - Scheme

[英]Understanding objects with local state — Scheme

i'm studying for my scheme final and objects with local state has always been a tough subject. 我正在为我的计划决赛而学习,与当地国家的对象一直是一个艰难的主题。

Here is a question from my final exam that i need help on. 这是我期末考试中的一个问题,我需要帮助。

(define (make-incrementer n)
  (let ((old 0)
        (new 0))
    (lambda ()
      (cond ((< new n) 
             (set! old new)
             (set! new (+ new 1))
             (set! old 0)
             (set! new 1)

(define a (make-incrementer 3))
(define b (make-incrementer 3))
(define c a)

; 1) (a)
; 2) (a)

why when a is called the second time it returns 1? 为什么当第二次调用a时它返回1? I'm looking at the code and the n we give it is always 3. So wouldn't it always do the else case? 我正在看代码,我们给它的n总是3.所以不会总是做else情况吗?

Welcome to the wonderful world of closures! 欢迎来到精彩的封闭世界! This is a textbook example of how closures in Scheme work. 这是关于Scheme中闭包如何工作的教科书示例。

So make-counter returns a function that has 3 variables that it captures from it's enclosing environment: n , old , new . 因此, make-counter返回一个函数,该函数有3个变量,它从它的封闭环境中捕获: noldnew In this case, the starting environment looks something like 在这种情况下,起始环境看起来像

 n    | 3
 old  | 0
 new  | 1

On each invocation, it increments old and new and wraps them around if they're greater than n . 在每次调用时,它会增加oldnew ,如果它们大于n ,则将它们包装起来。 Because it's using set! 因为它正在使用set! , this incrementing is mutating the variables in the lambda's environment, but since these variables are captured from the surrounding environment, they are changed for all future calls as well. ,这种递增是在lambda环境中改变变量,但由于这些变量是从周围环境中捕获的,因此它们也会针对所有未来的调用进行更改。

That's why you get different returns even with the same input. 这就是为什么即使输入相同也能获得不同的回报。

If this seems like witchcraft, you can think of it like objects in more common languages: 如果这看起来像巫术,你可以把它想象成更常见语言的对象:

Eg Python: 例如Python:

class Foo():
    def __init__(self, n, m):
        self.n = n
        self.m = m
    def count(self):
        self.n += 1
        if self.n == self.m:
           self.n = 1
        return self.n-1

f = Foo(0, 2)

f.count() # 1
f.count() # 0

This is the same basic idea except here we're being a bit more explicit about where the environment is coming from, self . 这是一个基本的想法,除了这里我们对环境的来源, self更加明确。 In Scheme, we mimic this with the lambda capturing the surrounding variables. 在Scheme中,我们用lambda捕获周围的变量来模仿它。

For more, check out SICP 有关更多信息,请查看SICP

Here are some examples, that might help with the concept of capturing state: 以下是一些示例,可能有助于捕获状态的概念:

(define (always x) 
  (lambda rest x))
(define always-true (always #t))
(always-true #f)
-> #t

(define (add-n n) 
  (lambda (m)
    (+ n m)))
(define add-1 (add-n 1))
(add-1 10)
-> 11

(define (complement predicate)
  (lambda (x)
    (not (predicate x)))
(define not-positive? (complement positive?))
(not-positive? -1)
-> #t

Next is an example where the captured state, in this case l , is mutated. 接下来是捕获状态(在这种情况下为l )被突变的示例。 This is similar to your case where new and old are captures and modified. 这类似于你的情况下newold的捕获和修改。

(define (nexting l)
  (lambda ()
    (if (null? l)
        (let ((answer (car l)))
          (set! l (cdr l))
(define next-user (nexting '(Alice Bob David)))
-> Alice
-> Bob
-> David

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