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[英]How to write this LINQ Query

Hi i have a datatable with following fields 嗨,我有一个包含以下字段的数据表


And following is the LINQ query i am using 以下是我正在使用的LINQ查询

var data = (from r in dt.AsEnumerable()
where ((r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours < 20) && (r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours >= 4))
group r by new { CID = r["GroupBy"], CLatitude = r["TXT_LATITUDE"], CLongitude = r["TXT_LONGITUDE"],CDirection = r["INT_DIRECTION"], 
CCallType = r["INT_CALL_DATA_TYPE"],CDuration = r["LNG_DURATION"] }
into groupedTable
select new
   CellID = groupedTable.Key.CID,
   CallCount = groupedTable.Count(),
   Longitude = groupedTable.Key.CLongitude,
   Latitude = groupedTable.Key.CLatitude,
   Direction = groupedTable.Key.CDirection,
   CallType = groupedTable.Key.CCallType,
   Duration = groupedTable.Key.CDuration
}).OrderByDescending(s => s.CallCount);

It gives me result like this 它给我这样的结果

CellID = 4057,CallCount = 84,Longitude = "",Latitude = "",Direction = "Incoming",CallType = "Voice",Duration = 50
CellID = 4057,CallCount = 8,Longitude = "",Latitude = "",Direction = "Outgoing",CallType = "Voice",Duration =97
CellID = 4057,CallCount = 56,Longitude = "",Latitude = "",Direction = "Incoming",CallType ="SMS" ,Duration = 0
CellID = 4057,CallCount = 41,Longitude = "",Latitude = "",Direction = "Outgoing",CallType = "SMS",Duration = 0

Now i want result like this 现在我想要这样的结果

CellID = 4057, TotalCommCount = 204, TotalDuration = 147, INSMSCount = 56,OutSMSCount = 41, INVoiceCount = 84,OutVoiceCount = 8,InVoiceDuration =50,OutVoiceDuration = 47

How can i do this. 我怎样才能做到这一点。 I am struck over here.. 我被打到这里了。

It looks like you're grouping by far too much at the moment, which is why you're getting multiple rows. 看来您目前分组过多,这就是为什么要获得多行的原因。 I suspect you want something like this: 我怀疑您想要这样的东西:

from r in dt.AsEnumerable()
where r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours < 20 && 
      r.Field<DateTime>("DAT_START").TimeOfDay.Hours >= 4
group r r["GroupBy"] into g         
select new
    CellID = g.Key,
    TotalCommCount = g.Count(),
    TotalDuration = g.Sum(r => r.Field<long>("LNG_DURATION")),
    InSMSCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<string>("DIRECTION") == "Incoming" &&
                              r.Field<string>("CALL_TYPE") == "SMS"),
    OutSMSCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<string>("DIRECTION") == "Outgoing" &&
                               r.Field<string>("CALL_TYPE") == "SMS"), 
    InVoiceCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<string>("DIRECTION") == "Incoming" &&
                                r.Field<string>("CALL_TYPE") == "Voice"),
    OutVoiceCount = g.Count(r => r.Field<string>("DIRECTION") == "Outgoing" &&
                                 r.Field<string>("CALL_TYPE") == "Voice"),
    InVoiceDuration = g.Where(r => r.Field<string>("DIRECTION") == "Incoming" &&
                                r.Field<string>("CALL_TYPE") == "Voice")
                       .Sum(r => r.Field<long>("DURATION"))
    OutVoiceDuration = g.Where(r => r.Field<string>("DIRECTION") == "Outgoing" &&
                                    r.Field<string>("CALL_TYPE") == "Voice"),
                       .Sum(r => r.Field<long>("DURATION"))
 } into summary
 order by summary.TotalCommCount descending
 select summary;

I suggest you create a view in your SQL database where you can simply aggregate what you need and then you use that view in your Linq query - this will perform fast and it is easy to write. 我建议您在SQL数据库中创建一个视图,您可以在其中简单地聚合所需的内容,然后在Linq查询中使用该视图-这样可以快速执行并且易于编写。

Sketch of design: 设计草图:

Since the description of your requirements is not totally clear, I have made assumptions. 由于您对需求的描述并不十分清楚,因此我做了一些假设。 Create a SQL view such as (it's just to show the idea, change it according to your needs): 创建一个SQL视图,例如(只是为了显示想法,根据您的需要进行更改):

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vSumDurations]
select  c.CellId, j1.SumDuration1 as TotalDuration, 
        j2.SumDuration2 as GroupedDuration, j1.CallCount  
from (select distinct t.CID as CellId from [dbo].[YourTable] t) c
left join (select t1.CID as CellId, sum(LNG_Duration) as SumDuration1, 
            count(*) as CallCount from [dbo].[YourTable] t1 
            Group By t1.CID) j1 
on c.CellId=j1.CellId           
left join (select t2.CID as CellId, sum(LNG_Duration) as SumDuration2 
            from [dbo].[YourTable] t2 
            Group by t2.CID, t2.Direction, t2.CallType) j2 
on c.CellId=j2.CellId

(You know you can easily add this view to your *.EDMX by using "update model from database" in the context menu of the entity diagram page and then tick-mark the view vSumDurations in the "tables/views" section of the dialog which pops up.) (您知道您可以通过使用实体图页面的上下文菜单中的“从数据库更新模型”,然后在对话框的“表/视图”部分中标记视图vSumDurations,轻松地将此视图添加到* .EDMX中。弹出。)

After this preparation your Linq query is very simple because everything is already done in the view. 准备好之后,您的Linq查询非常简单,因为视图中的所有操作均已完成。 Hence, the code looks like: 因此,代码如下所示:

var dc = this; // in LinqPad you can set your data context
var data = (from d in dc.vSumDurations select d).OrderByDescending(s => s.CallCount);

Note: The example is made for LinqPad - you will need a different data context in your real code. 注意:该示例是针对LinqPad制作的-您的实际代码中将需要其他数据上下文。 Linqpad does not need dc , but it is easier if you declare it for convenience reasons because in your real code you have to provide it. Linqpad不需要dc ,但是出于方便的原因声明它会更容易,因为您必须在实际代码中提供它。

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