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[英]What is the correct way to detect that an IShellItem refers to a Library?

I'm using the common file dialog with FOS_PICKFOLDERS to let the user pick a location to save files. 我正在将公用文件对话框与FOS_PICKFOLDERS配合使用,以使用户选择保存文件的位置。 If the user selects a library, eg Library\\Documents then my current code fails at the point where I call IShellItem::GetDisplayName to extract a file system name. 如果用户选择一个库,例如Library\\Documents则我当前的代码在我调用IShellItem::GetDisplayName提取文件系统名称时失败。 If the item were a file then this would succeed and the library's default save location would be used. 如果该项目是文件,则将成功,并且将使用库的默认保存位置。

What I would like to do is to detect that the shell item is a library, then obtain an IShellLibrary interface, and then query it to find the default save location. 我想做的是检测外壳项目是一个库,然后获取IShellLibrary接口,然后查询它以找到默认的保存位置。 Then I would save my files there. 然后,我将文件保存在那里。

What is the correct way to detect that an IShellItem refers to a Library? 检测IShellItem引用库的正确方法是什么?

Use SHLoadLibraryFromItem() to get an IShellLibrary from an IShellItem , eg: 使用SHLoadLibraryFromItem()IShellItem获取IShellLibrary ,例如:

IShellItem *pItem, *pSave;
IShellLibrary *pLibrary;
if (SUCCEEDED(SHLoadLibraryFromItem(pItem, STGM_READWRITE, IID_IShellLibrary, (void**)&pLibrary)))
    pLibrary->GetDefaultSaveFolder(DSFT_DETECT, IID_IShellItem, (void**)&pSave);
    pSave = pItem;

The only way I found was to use IShellLibrary::LoadLibraryFromItem ( MSDN here ), to which you pass an IShellItem interface. 我发现的唯一方法是使用IShellLibrary::LoadLibraryFromItem此处MSDN ),并向其传递IShellItem接口。

If it fails (ie HRESULT != S_OK ), then the IShellItem is not a library. 如果失败(即HRESULT != S_OK ),则IShellItem 不是库。

So something like this: 所以像这样:

bool IsLibrary(IShellItem *pItem)
    bool bIsLibrary = false;

    IShellLibrary *plib = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLibrary, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = plib->LoadLibraryFromItem(pItem, STGM_READ);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) bIsLibrary = true;
    return bIsLibrary;

I have no idea if it's the "correct" way, but it may be useful anyway. 我不知道这是否是“正确”的方法,但是无论如何它可能还是有用的。

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