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[英]Passing Data Between PHP and Javascript

What I am trying to do is generate a series of buttons with PHP which correspond to names in a MySQL database. 我要做的是用PHP生成一系列按钮,这些按钮对应于MySQL数据库中的名称。 When the user selects the button it will display different text in an overlay popup depending on the button selected. 当用户选择按钮时,它将根据所选按钮在叠加弹出窗口中显示不同的文本。 I'm fairly new to PHP, jQuery, etc. so for now I am trying to get something a little simpler to work (without the database part). 我是PHP,jQuery等新手,所以现在我想尝试一些更简单的工作(没有数据库部分)。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/theme.css">
<script src="scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery.popupoverlay.js"></script>


echo "<form name=\"idpass\" method=\"post\">";
echo "<div>";
echo "<button name=\"button\" id=\"button1\" value=\"One\" class=\"One_open\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">User 1</button>";
echo "<button name=\"button\" id=\"button2\" value=\"Two\" class=\"Two_open\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">User 2</button>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</form>";

    echo "click something";

    $buttonSelection = $_POST["button"];
    echo "<div id=\"" . $buttonSelection ."\">";
    echo "Hello, " . $buttonSelection;
    echo "</div>";


    var me = $(this);



This will generate two buttons named User 1 and User 2. The problem is if I click them slowly, the text ("Hello, One" or "Hello, Two") simply appears below the buttons on the page, not in the popup. 这将生成两个名为User 1和User 2的按钮。问题是如果我慢慢点击它们,文本(“Hello,One”或“Hello,Two”)只显示在页面上的按钮下方,而不是弹出窗口中。 If I click them fast enough however, it works. 如果我足够快地点击它们,它就可以了。 So I know the data is getting passed but there is obviously a delay and I'm not sure where? 所以我知道数据已经通过,但显然存在延迟,我不知道在哪里?

EDIT: Here is the code for the popup (it was not developed by me): 编辑:这是弹出窗口的代码(它不是由我开发的):

 * jQuery Popup Overlay
 * @version 1.4.0
 * @requires jQuery v1.7.1+
 * @link http://vast-eng.github.com/jquery-popup-overlay/
 * @author Ivan Lazarevic

;(function($) {

var level = [];
var lastclicked = [];

$.fn.popup = $.fn.popup = function(customoptions) {

    var $body = $('body'),
        $window = $(window),
        $document = $(document),
        options = {},
        defaults = {
            type: 'overlay',
            action: 'click',
            background: true,
            color: 'black',
            opacity: '0.4',
            horizontal: 'center',
            vertical: 'center',
            escape: false,
            blur: true,
            fade: 250,
            opensufix: '_open',
            closesufix: '_close',
            keepfocus: true,
            reposition: false,
            autozindex: false,

    var init = function(el) {

                $(el).attr('id', 'j-popup-' + parseInt(Math.random() * 100000000));

            lastclicked[el.id] = false;
            level[el.id] = 0;
            $el = $(el);
            options = $.extend({}, defaults, customoptions);

             * Repositioningtion parameter
            if (options.reposition === true) {
                // @TODO - not so DRY...
                $newel = $el;
                $el = $wrapper = $('#' + el.id + '_wrapper');
                return false;

            // initialize on only once
            if ($el.attr('data-popup-initialized')) {
                return false;
            $el.attr('data-popup-initialized', 'true');

             * Set variables
            var triggerelement = '.' + el.id + options.opensufix; // class that will open popup

             * Set other options that are related for type: tooltip
            if (options.type == 'tooltip') {
                options.background = false;
                options.keepfocus = false;

             * Hide popups that aren't already hidden with CSS and move it to the top or bottom of the <body> tag
                display: 'none'
            // append instead of prepend if document is ready
            // if (((document.readyState === 'interactive') || (document.readyState === 'complete')) && !($.browser.msie && parseFloat($.browser.version) < 8)) {
            //  $body.append(el);
            // } else {
            // }

             * Create background div and append to the top or bottom of the body tag
            if ((options.background) && (!$('#' + el.id + '_background').length)) {

                // Append instead of prepend if possible
                var popupback = '<div id="' + el.id + '_background" class="popup_background"></div>';
                // if (((document.readyState === 'interactive') || (document.readyState === 'complete')) && !($.browser.msie && parseFloat($.browser.version) < 8)) {
                //  $body.append(popupback);
                // } else {
                // }

                $('#' + el.id + '_background').css({
                    backgroundColor: options.color,
                    opacity: options.opacity,
                    position: 'fixed',
                    top: '0',
                    right: '0',
                    bottom: '0',
                    left: '0',
                    display: 'none'


             * Positioning overlay
            if (options.type == 'overlay') {

                    display: 'inline-block',
                    textAlign: 'left',
                    position: 'relative',
                    verticalAlign: 'middle'

                $el.wrap('<div id="' + el.id + '_wrapper" class="popup_wrapper" />');
                $wrapper = $('#' + el.id + '_wrapper');
                    position: 'fixed',
                    top: '0',
                    left: '0',
                    width: '100%',
                    height: '100%',
                    display: 'none',
                    textAlign: 'center'

                $wrapper.append('<div class="popup_align" />');
                    display: 'inline-block',
                    verticalAlign: 'middle',
                    height: '100%'

                // overlay horizontal
                if (options.horizontal == 'right') {
                    $wrapper.css('text-align', 'right');
                } else if (options.horizontal == 'left') {
                    $wrapper.css('text-align', 'left');

                // overlay vertical
                if (options.vertical == 'bottom') {
                    $el.css('vertical-align', 'bottom');
                } else if (options.vertical == 'top') {
                    $el.css('vertical-align', 'top');

                $newel = $el;
                $el = $wrapper;

             * add data-popup-order attribute
            $(triggerelement).each(function(i, item) {
                $(item).attr('data-popup-order', i);

             * Defining on which event to open/close popup
            if (options.action == 'click') {
                // open
                $(triggerelement).click(function(e) {
                    if ($el.is(':hidden')) {
                        var or = $(this).attr('data-popup-order');
                        dopopup(el, or);
                $('.' + el.id + options.closesufix).click(function(e) {
            } else if (options.action == 'hover') {

                function() {
                    dopopup(el, $(this).attr('data-popup-order'));

                function() {
            } else {

                function() {
                    dopopup(el, $(this).attr('data-popup-order'));

                function() {

             * Close popup on ESC key (binded only if a popup is open)
            if (options.escape) {
                $(document).keydown(function(e) {
                    if (e.keyCode == 27 && $el.css('display') == 'block') {

             * Repositioning popup when window resize
            $(window).bind('resize', function() {
                if (options.type != 'tooltip') {

             * Z-index calculation
            if (options.autozindex === true) {
                var maxZIndex = Math.max(0, Math.max.apply(null, $.map($.makeArray(document.getElementsByTagName("*")), function(v) {
                    return parseFloat($(v).css("z-index")) || null;
                level[el.id] = maxZIndex;

                // add z-index to the wrapper
                if (level[el.id] > 0) {
                        zIndex: (level[el.id] + 2)

                // add z-index to the background
                if (options.background) {
                    if (level[el.id] > 0) {
                        $('#' + el.id + '_background').css({
                            zIndex: (level[el.id] + 1)

             * Automaticaly open popup on start, if autoopen option is set
            if (options.autoopen) {
                dopopup(el, 0);

        }; // init
     * Popup method
     * @param el - popup element
     * @param order - element which triggered this method
    var dopopup = function(el, order) {

            var clickplace = order;

             * beforeopen Callback
            callback(options.beforeopen, clickplace);

            // remember last clicked place
            lastclicked[el.id] = clickplace;

            // show popup
            if (options.fade) {
                $el.fadeIn(options.fade, function() {
                    $(document).on('click', blurhandler);
                    $(document).on('focusin', focushandler);
            } else {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    $(document).on('click', blurhandler);
                    $(document).on('focusin', focushandler);
                }, 0);

            // position
            positionpopup(el, clickplace);

            // show background
            if (options.background) {
                if (options.fade) {
                    $('#' + el.id + '_background').fadeIn(options.fade);
                } else {
                    $('#' + el.id + '_background').show();

             * Keep focus inside dialog box
            if (options.keepfocus) {

                // make overlay holder div focusable and focus it
                $newel.attr('tabindex', -1).focus();

                focushandler = function(e) {
                    if (!$(e.target).parents().andSelf().is('#' + el.id)) {


             * onOpen Callback
            callback(options.onOpen, clickplace);

             * Close popup on blur
            if (options.blur) {
                blurhandler = function(e) {
                    if (!$(e.target).parents().andSelf().is('#' + el.id)) {


     * Position popup
     * @param el
    var positionpopup = function(el, clickplace) {
            clickplace = clickplace || 0;

            // TOOLTIP
            if (options.type == 'tooltip') {
                    'position': 'absolute'
                var $link = $('.' + el.id + options.opensufix + '[data-popup-order="' + clickplace + '"]');
                var linkOffset = $link.offset();

                // tooltip horizontal
                if (options.horizontal == 'right') {
                    $el.css('left', linkOffset.left + $link.outerWidth());
                } else if (options.horizontal == 'left') {
                    $el.css('right', $(window).width() - linkOffset.left);
                } else {
                    $el.css('left', linkOffset.left + ($link.outerWidth() / 2) - ($(el).outerWidth() / 2) - parseFloat($(el).css('marginLeft')) );

                // tooltip vertical
                if (options.vertical == 'bottom') {
                    $el.css('top', linkOffset.top + $link.outerHeight());
                } else if (options.vertical == 'top') {
                    $el.css('bottom', $(window).height() - linkOffset.top);
                } else {
                    $el.css('top', linkOffset.top + ($link.outerHeight() / 2) - ($(el).outerHeight() / 2) - parseFloat($(el).css('marginTop')) );

            // OVERLAY
            } else if (options.type == 'overlay') {
                // if height of the popup exceeds the visible area – make the popup scrollable
                if ($window.height() < ($newel.outerHeight() + parseFloat($newel.css('marginTop')) + parseFloat($newel.css('marginBottom')))) {
                        position: 'absolute',
                        top: $window.scrollTop()
                } else {
                        position: 'fixed',
                        top: '0'


     * Hide popup
     * @param {DOM Object} el
    var hidePopUp = function(el) {

            // hide background
            if (options.background) {
                if (options.fade) {
                    $('#' + el.id + '_background').fadeOut(options.fade);
                } else {
                    $('#' + el.id + '_background').hide();

            // unbind event for blur when popup closes
            if (options.blur) {
                $(document).off('click', blurhandler);

            if (options.keepfocus) {
                $(document).off('focusin', focushandler);
                // focus opening link on popup close
                $('.' + el.id + options.opensufix).focus();

            // hide popup
            if (options.fade) {
            } else {

             * onClose callback
            callback(options.onClose, lastclicked[el.id]);

     * Callbacks calls
     * @param func - callback function
     * @param clickplace
    var callback = function(func, clickplace) {
            var cp = $('.' + $el.attr('id') + options.opensufix + '[data-popup-order="' + clickplace + '"]');
            if (typeof func == 'function') {

    this.each(function() {

};  //fn.popup


Never used this before, but I see that the plugin is modifying the divs and creating new ones as wrappers, etc. If you are modifying / generating the div on the fly then perhaps there is a race condition. 从来没有使用过这个,但我看到插件正在修改div并创建新的包装等等。如果你正在修改/生成div,那么也许存在竞争条件。 Also i don't see where you are setting any options on popup() -- it seems that you want {autoopen : true} 此外,我没有看到你在popup()上设置任何选项 - 似乎你想要{autoopen : true}

Anyway, no race condition in this fiddle as I'm dynamically updating the contents of one single div that persists and used as the modal so it seems to work fine. 无论如何,这个小提琴没有竞争条件,因为我正在动态更新一个单独的div的内容,这个div持续存在并用作模态,所以它似乎工作正常。

Fiddle 小提琴

$('#modal').popup({autoopen : true});

The plugin seems to have a bug where it can only be instantiated so I added it to a cloned element and destroy it when hidden. 该插件似乎有一个错误,它只能被实例化,所以我将它添加到克隆元素并在隐藏时将其销毁。 If it has a reopen method then use that bug I could not see it. 如果它有重新打开的方法然后使用我无法看到它的bug。

$(function () {
    var destroyModal = function(){
    $("button").click(function () {
        var me = $(this);
        $('.modal').clone().text( me.val() )
       .popup({autoopen : true, onclose : destroyModal});   
        return false;
    }); // end click
}); // end ready

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