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在某个日期之后,我如何获得* I *已提交给Git(GitHub存储库)的所有文件的列表?

[英]How can I get a list of all files *I* have committed to Git (GitHub repo) after a certain date?


The closest I can come up with for your question is something like 我可以为您的问题提出的最接近的是

git log --no-merges --stat --author="name" --pretty=format:"%C(Yellow)%h%Creset - %ad%n"

which will show the file revision history by a specific user, but grouped by commits. 它将显示特定用户的文件修订历史记录,但按提交分组。

If you want to see a simple name-only list, I suggest using h0tw1r3's answer from this related question: Can I get git to tell me all the files one user has modified? 如果要查看简单的仅名称列表,建议使用h0tw1r3的以下相关问题的答案:是否可以让git告诉我一个用户已修改的所有文件?

git log --no-merges --stat --author="Pattern" --name-only --pretty=format:"" | sort -u

Point #1 - you don't commit files in git . 第一点-您不提交git文件。 You create a commit, which is a snapshot of your entire project. 您创建一个提交,这是整个项目的快照。

Point #2 - try git help log - look for especially the --author=... , --committer=... , --before=... , and --after=... options. 点#2 -尝试git help log -寻找特别是--author=...--committer=...--before=... ,和--after=...选项。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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