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[英]GWT Development Mode in Eclipse leaving opening too many sessions

I've had this problem for a couple days now. 我已经有几天这个问题了。 After about an hour or two of running my GWT dev server without restarting it, my "Development Mode" tab is showing many sessions remaining open. 在运行GWT开发服务器大约一两个小时而不重新启动它之后,我的“开发模式”选项卡显示许多会话仍处于打开状态。 Open or at least it's showing them as active. 打开或至少显示它们为活动状态。 I've seen as much as 8. When this is happening Eclipse runs very sluggish, and my application runs extremely slow (mostly the front end). 我见过多达8个。发生这种情况时,Eclipse运行非常缓慢,而我的应用程序运行非常慢(主要是前端)。 I'm doing lots of browser refreshes and server reloads but nothing like opening 2nd browsers or running multiple tabs. 我正在进行很多浏览器刷新和服务器重载,但没有像打开第二个浏览器或运行多个选项卡那样的操作。 The only way to close these sessions is to do stop my server and start it again. 关闭这些会话的唯一方法是停止服务器并重新启动。 Before a few days ago, it seemed to only keep one open or maybe two sometimes. 几天前,它似乎只能保持打开状态,有时甚至保持两个状态。 I'd never seen three unless I had multiple tabs or browsers running dev mode. 除非我有多个选项卡或运行开发模式的浏览器,否则我从未见过三个。

After talking to my two co-workers, who use pretty much the same environment as me. 与我的两个同事交谈后,他们使用的环境几乎与我相同。 One of them has always has this issue, and for years has just been periodically restarting his server every couple hours to fix it. 其中之一一直存在此问题,并且多年来一直每隔几个小时定期重新启动服务器以修复该问题。 The other's works fine. 对方的作品很好。

I'm running FF. 我正在运行FF。 Our GWT application only has one module. 我们的GWT应用程序只有一个模块。

Does anybody know how to remedy this or how to limit the # of sessions? 有人知道如何解决此问题或如何限制会话数吗? I haven't made any config changes to eclipse or changed any preferences that I'm aware recently that would have caused this. 我没有对Eclipse进行任何配置更改,也没有更改我最近知道会导致此问题的任何首选项。 Thanks. 谢谢。

This is unfortunately a known issue with Firefox: 不幸的是,这是Firefox的已知问题:
https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7648 https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7648

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