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Ajax发布到RESTful Web服务

[英]Ajax post to RESTful web service

I am having an issue with an Ajax post to a RESTful web service in Java. 我在Ajax发布到Java中的RESTful Web服务时遇到问题。 The project utilizes a single servlet mvc model, with the Ajax post data being sent as JSON to the web service. 该项目使用单个servlet mvc模型,并将Ajax发布数据作为JSON发送到Web服务。 The specific issue that is occuring is that I a unable to pull the data out of a HttpServletRequest object on the web service side. 发生的特定问题是我无法从Web服务端的HttpServletRequest对象中提取数据。 The POST goes directly to the web service, and I attempted to pull the data out with the following: POST直接转到Web服务,我尝试使用以下方法提取数据:

public AjaxResource(){
HttpServletRequest request;

public Response postMethod(){

BufferedReader reader = request.getReader();
// additional code

I receive an IllegalStateException on the getReader() call on the request; 我在请求的getReader()调用上收到IllegalStateException; from what I understand the input stream/reader can only be called once. 据我了解,输入流/阅读器只能调用一次。 I am unsure if this is due to the doPost method in the servlet doing a request.getParameter call as it seems to ago I'd hitting the servlet before this web service. 我不确定这是否是由于servlet中的doPost方法执行request.getParameter调用所致,就像我之前在此Web服务之前打过servlet一样。 Is there any other way to retrieve this data other than implementing HttpServletRequestWrapper in the servlet? 除了在Servlet中实现HttpServletRequestWrapper之外,还有其他方法可以检索此数据吗?

You should use @Context HttpServletRequest request as an argument of the resource method. 您应该使用@Context HttpServletRequest request作为资源方法的参数。 So it should be something like this: 所以应该是这样的:

public Response postMethod(@Context HttpServletRequest request){

    // rest of the code


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