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[英]Eclipse is not running projects after once updated in android

In this morning i just checked for updates in my eclipse & when i found updates available i just did that. 在今天早上,我只是在日食中检查更新,当我发现可用更新时,我就这样做了。

But after once it is updated Eclipse is not working at all. 但是,一旦更新,Eclipse根本无法工作。

Its running existing projects but there is not response for the newly created projects. 它正在运行现有项目,但是对新创建的项目没有响应。

Firstly it's getting error when adding main class activity to layout So not properly working for layout. 首先,在将主类活动添加到布局时出现错误,因此无法正确地用于布局。 Every time requiring android.R. 每次需要android.R。

may be i need to do some more updates in IDE. 可能是我需要在IDE中进行更多更新。

Can anybody tell me solution if ever have had such problem in past. 谁能告诉我解决方案,如果以前曾经有过这样的问题。

Many Thanks in Advance 提前谢谢了

Try this.. 尝试这个..

  • First try restarting your eclise few times.(Solves issue most of times..) 首先尝试几次重新启动您的eclise。(大多数情况下会解决问题。)

Try this as second step if first doesn't work.. 如果第一步无效,请尝试第二步。

  • Window -> Android SDK and ADV Manager -> Installed packages -> Update all... 窗口-> Android SDK和ADV Manager->已安装的软件包->更新所有...

Try this as well 也尝试一下

  • Help > Install New Software -- then choose the link..Select the updates to install and then crucially, uncheck "Contact all update sites during install to find required software". 帮助>安装新软件-然后选择链接。选择要安装的更新,然后关键地取消选中“在安装过程中联系所有更新站点以查找所需的软件”。

Hope this helps.. 希望这可以帮助..

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