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[英]how to distinguish which variables are used for innodb engine or for MyIsam engine?

When I searched some status variable by using below command and got: 当我使用以下命令搜索一些状态变量并得到:

mysql> show global status like '%key%';

| Variable_name          | Value  |
| Com_assign_to_keycache | 0      |
| Com_preload_keys       | 0      |
| Com_show_keys          | 0      |
| Handler_read_key       | 713132 |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 0      |
| Key_blocks_unused      | 14497  |
| Key_blocks_used        | 12     |
| Key_read_requests      | 48622  |
| Key_reads              | 0      |
| Key_write_requests     | 9384   |
| Key_writes             | 0      |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I was curious about why both value of key_reads, and key_writes are 0, and googled. 我很好奇为什么key_reads和key_writes的值都为0并被谷歌搜索。 The blow link told me those key leading variables are used in MyIsam engine. 打击链接告诉我,那些关键的前导变量在MyIsam引擎中使用。

Why mysql status key_reads,key_reads_request's values are zero? 为什么MySQL状态key_reads,key_reads_request的值为零?

How do we know which variables are Innodb engine orientied, some are only used in MyIsam engine. 我们如何知道哪些变量是面向Innodb引擎的,有些仅在MyIsam引擎中使用。 Where I can find the document? 在哪里可以找到文件? Thanks for any input. 感谢您的任何投入。

Take a look at this page on server status variables . 看看此页面上的服务器状态变量 The documentation is not all-encompassing, and I would recommend you further search the internets if it falls short for a certain status variable. 该文档并不全面,如果不适合某些状态变量,我建议您进一步搜索互联网。 For example, key_reads wasn't mentioned having anything to do with only MyISAM, so you were right to do further digging. 例如,没有提到key_reads仅与MyISAM有关,因此您进行进一步的挖掘是正确的。 I've found slideshare to have some useful information: see this presentation , which contains some information on the various status variables. 我发现slideshare具有一些有用的信息:请参阅此演示文稿 ,其中包含有关各种状态变量的一些信息。 However, you'll probably not be able to know 100% about every variable listed without looking at MySQL server source code! 但是,如果不查看MySQL服务器源代码,您可能将无法100%了解列出的每个变量!

Hope some of this helps... 希望有些帮助...

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