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[英]pdo connection position in php class

I'm using PDO now and I have a number of classes. 我现在正在使用PDO,并且有很多类。 Every time I use a class, I don't always use its database-related functions. 每次使用类时,我并不总是使用与数据库相关的功能。 Sometimes I keep using a class until at the end I might do some work with the database, like save this object to DB. 有时,我会一直使用类,直到最后我可以对数据库做一些工作,例如将对象保存到数据库。

So I'm currently doing something like this: 所以我目前正在做这样的事情:

class Something
   protected $pdo;

     function connect()
        $this->pdo = new PDO( "mysql:host=".zConfig::read('hostname').";dbname=".zConfig::read('database'), zConfig::read('username'), zConfig::read('password'));
        $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

     /* lots of functions doing lots of non-DB things */

     function saveToDB()
     {    $this->connect();
          $this->pdo->prepare("Some SQL that saves some stuff");
          // now do some DB-related pdo work


My question is - is this reasonable? 我的问题是-这合理吗? Is this the way a lot of you code? 这是你们许多人编码的方式吗?

As I see it, there are 3 options: 如我所见,有3个选项:

  1. The way I'm doing it - connecting to the database only in those functions that are database related. 我这样做的方式-仅在与数据库相关的那些函数中连接到数据库。 But these means each time I run a DB-related function. 但这意味着每次我运行与数据库相关的功能。
  2. Open a connection in the constructor, in this case I only open it once, but also end up opening it even when I don't need it, so I feel like sometimes I'll be creating connections for nothing. 在构造函数中打开一个连接,在这种情况下,我只打开了一次,而且即使不需要时也最终打开了它,所以我觉得有时候我将一无所有地创建连接。
  3. On the other hand, I could use a singleton database class like this: 另一方面,我可以使用像这样的单例数据库类:

    PDO Connections - max connections PDO连接-最大连接数

I do have up to three related objects on a page, and sometimes I do and sometimes I don't need to connect to the DB more than once on a page. 我在一个页面上最多有三个相关的对象,有时候我确实需要,有时我不需要在页面上多次连接到数据库。 which design is safer? 哪种设计更安全?

You can just use lazy way. 您可以只使用惰性方式。

 protected $pdo;

 function connect()
 if ($this->pdo === null)
    $this->pdo = new PDO( "mysql:host=".zConfig::read('hostname').";dbname=".zConfig::read('database'), zConfig::read('username'), zConfig::read('password'));
    $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

Check this question . 检查这个问题

You should use DI, in your class to instantiate a connection, when your object is defined ex: 当您的对象定义为ex时,应在类中使用DI实例化连接:

class foo{
    public $conn;

    function __construct($conn){
    $this->conn = $conn;

    function doSomething(){

Now, if you find yourself, not wanting to instanciate a connection, whenever you are on a page/work that does not need database connection, and significantly slows your page, while trying to connect, use the PDO attribute 现在,如果您发现自己不想实例化连接,那么当您在不需要数据库连接的页面/工作中并且在尝试连接时显着降低页面速度时,请使用PDO属性


$conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 
                array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true )

$object = new foo($conn);

Simply, once, you open a page, and connection is establish the ATTR_PERSISTENT method will store that connection, pretty much like sessions work, and will keep feeding your page, and helping you from creating a new connection to your db, every time you refresh a page, or go on to another page. 只需简单地,一旦打开一个页面,便建立了连接, ATTR_PERSISTENT方法将存储该连接,就像会话工作一样,并且将不断ATTR_PERSISTENT页面,并在每次刷新时帮助您建立与数据库的新连接一个页面,或转到另一个页面。 Try, it.. and you'll see how faster your pages will load. 尝试一下..,您会看到页面加载的速度。

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