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验证无效(虽然ng-invalid类应用于DOM元素,但未填充指令范围。$ error)

[英]Validation not working (Directive scope.$error is not populated although ng-invalid class is applied to DOM element)

Updated: also, if anyone can tell me how to simplify my code, I would really appreciate that. 更新:另外,如果有人可以告诉我如何简化代码,我将非常感谢。

In short: I have simple validation rule applied to element 简而言之:我对元素应用了简单的验证规则

<div ng-form='myForm'>
 <input ng-model='row.item[0].field' required />

I also have style to color invalid entry 我也有为无效条目上色的样式

 .ng-invalid { background:red }

And when I remove value from input box it's background color is changed, however neither row nor row.item , row.item[0] and row.item[0].field has $error property appeared. 当我从输入框中删除值时,它的背景色发生了变化,但是rowrow.itemrow.item[0]row.item[0].field row.item[0]都没有出现$error属性。 myForm.$error doesn't have anything as well. myForm.$error也没有任何内容。

So I cannot print validation message bellow input box 所以我无法在下面的输入框中打印验证消息

Longer explanation: 更长的解释:

I could have much broader problem than that. 我可能会遇到比这更广泛的问题。 Here is my setup (simplified) : 这是我的设置(简化):

Markup: 标记:

Code: 码:

function tableCtrl($scope) {

   var fields  = $scope.fields = [
       { name: 'events', required: true }
      ,{ name: 'subjects' }
      ,{ name: 'affected'}]

   $scope.events = [{ name : 'e', type :'some', organ :'blood'
                  , items : [{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 }
                             ,{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 }
                             ,{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 } ] }
                 , { name:'f', type : 'any', organ :'heart'
                    , items :[{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 }
                             ,{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 }
                             ,{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 } ]}
                 , { name: 'g', type: 'all', organ :'skin'
                    , items : [{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 }
                             ,{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 }
                             ,{ events : 1, subjects: 2, affected : 3 } ]}]

angular.module('components').directive('editor', function ($compile) {
return {
    scope : {
        row : '=editor'          
        , fields : '=fields'

    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
       var tmpl = ''

       for (var g in row.items ) {
           var itemPath = 'row.items['+g+']'
            for (var f in scope.fields) {
                tmpl += '<td><input type="number" ng-model="'+itemPath+'.'+scope.fields[f].name + '"' +
                  ' min="0"  ' +
                    (scope.fields[f].required? ' required ' : '' )+                           
                    ' /></td>'

       var newElement = angular.element(tmpl);

So I'm creating input boxes dynamically. 因此,我正在动态创建输入框。

The validation is related to ng-form and ng-model directive which means you need either a <form> element or <ng-form element with a name for validation to work. 验证与ng-form和ng-model指令相关,这意味着您需要具有名称的<form>元素或<ng-form元素,验证才能起作用。

Then you can access the valid state in the scope using formname.$error . 然后,您可以使用formname.$error访问范围中的有效状态。

<form name="myform">
    <input ng-model='row.item[0].field' required />
    <input type="submit" ng-disabled="myform.$error" value="Save" />

Try to compile the new element on the parent scope, not on the isolated scope. 尝试在父作用域而不是隔离作用域上编译新元素。 It worked on my case. 它适用于我的情况。


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