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R Shiny服务器dateRangeInput错误

[英]R Shiny server dateRangeInput error

I keep finding this error 我一直在发现这个错误

Error: could not find function "dateRangeInput" whenever i try to run the following application. 错误:每当我尝试运行以下应用程序时,找不到函数“dateRangeInput”。

server.R server.R


shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { 

output$date  <- renderText({ as.character(input$date)  })
output$daterange  <- renderText({ as.character(input$daterange) })

updateDateInput(session, 'date_controlled',
                value = as.character(input$date),
                min = as.character(input$daterange[1]),
                max = as.character(input$daterange[2])

updateDateRangeInput(session, 'daterange_controlled',
                     min = as.character(input$daterange[1]),
                     max = as.character(input$daterange[2]),
                     start = as.character(input$daterange2[1]),
                     end = as.character(input$daterange2[2])


my ui.R 我的ui.R


# Define UI for application that plots random distributions 

# Application title
headerPanel("KEMRI Wellcome Trust Programme"),

# Sidebar with a slider input for number of observations
imageOutput("logo", height = "153px", width="272px"),
helpText("Note: while the data view will show only the specified",
         "number of observations, the summary will still be based",
         "on the full dataset."),

selectInput("graph", "Choose a graph:", 
            list("Histogram" = "hist", 
                 "Pie Chart" = "pie", 
                 "Time Series" = "time",
                 "Box Plot"="box",
                 "Violin Plot"="violin")),
               label = 'Date range: dd/mm/yy, en, range limit, weekstart=1. Controls start and end of date range input in main panel.',
               start = Sys.Date()-1, end = Sys.Date()+1,
               min = Sys.Date()-10, max = Sys.Date()+10,
               separator = " - ",
               format = "dd/mm/yy", startview = 'year', language = 'en', weekstart = 1),

 submitButton("Update View")
 #sliderInput("obs","Number of observations:", min = 0, max = 1000, value = 500)

 # Show a plot of the generated distribution
          "Date input controlled from sidebar"),
               "Date range input controlled from sidebar")   

What could be the problem?? 可能是什么问题呢?? I am using the latest stable shiny-server and R 3.0.x. 我正在使用最新的稳定闪亮服务器和R 3.0.x. All the examples that i've seen work, so why doesn't this one work? 我见过的所有例子都有效,为什么这个不起作用呢?

The dateRangeInput is in a newer version of Shiny than is on CRAN. dateRangeInput是一个较新版本的Shiny而不是CRAN。 You can install from Shiny's GitHub repo with these steps: 您可以使用以下步骤从Shiny的GitHub仓库安装:

install.packages('httpuv', repos=c(RStudio='http://rstudio.org/_packages', CRAN='http://cran.rstudio.com'))
install.packages('devtools')  # if you don't already have devtools installed
devtools::install_github('shiny', 'rstudio')

After following these steps, be sure to restart your R process before you try again. 执行这些步骤后,请务必重新尝试重新启动R进程。

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