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[英]Overwrite Expansion File (Android)

My expansion file is 200 Mb. 我的扩展文件是200 Mb。 I can't see it viable to pull files out of it in realtime (too slow for my purposes). 我看不到实时从中拉出文件的可行性(对于我来说太慢了)。 So, I'm extracting all of them to regular files in other folder. 因此,我将它们全部提取到其他文件夹中的常规文件中。

Now, I want to save some space on the card for my beloved user by avoiding app data duplication. 现在,我想通过避免应用程序数据重复为我心爱的用户节省卡上的空间。

I have an idea to delete the actual expansion file and replace it with a zero size dummy, to fool Google Play and prevent it from downloading 200Mb again. 我有一个想法,就是删除实际的扩展文件,并用零尺寸的虚拟文件替换它,以欺骗Google Play并阻止其再次下载200Mb。 Would that trick work? 这个技巧行得通吗?

I can't test for that as my app is not published yet. 由于我的应用尚未发布,因此我无法对此进行测试。


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