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[英]Is there any risk in upgrading from VS2010 to VS2012 in the middle of project development?

I have been working on a rather large project for approximately two years in VS2010. 我在VS2010工作了大约两年的大型项目。 I just got a license for VS2012 but I have some fears regarding what may happen if I remove VS2010 and attempt to work on the project in VS2012. 我刚获得了VS2012的许可证,但我担心如果我删除VS2010并尝试在VS2012中处理该项目可能会发生什么。

Is this an irrational fear or can there be issues getting the project to compile? 这是一种非理性的恐惧,还是会有问题让项目编译? My project is a C#, .Net 4, Winforms application. 我的项目是C#,。Net 4,Winforms应用程序。

Ideally I would just load VS2012 on another computer and give it a try, but I'm running short on computers at the current moment in time. 理想情况下,我只是在另一台计算机上加载VS2012并试一试,但我目前在计算机上运行时间不足。 And I've read about some downfalls to having VS2010 and VS2012 installed jointly. 我已经读到了联合安装VS2010和VS2012的一些弊端。

I had no problems updating from 2010 to 2012. In work our main project (250,000 lines of code) has people working on it in both VS 2010 and VS 2012, and there's no issue committing (using Git, if that makes any difference). 从2010年到2012年,我没有遇到任何问题。在工作中,我们的主要项目(250,000行代码)让人们在VS 2010和VS 2012中都有相关工作,并且没有任何问题(使用Git,如果这有任何区别)。

There have been projects that won't update from 2008 to 2012 without complications, but in my experience, 2010-2012 has been pretty seamless. 有些项目从2008年到2012年不会更新,没有复杂情况,但根据我的经验,2010 - 2012年是相当无缝的。

Visual Studio 2012 will not change the fact that your project is a WinForms C# project targeting .Net Framework 4.0. Visual Studio 2012不会改变您的项目是针对.Net Framework 4.0的WinForms C#项目的事实。

In my experience, the only change 2012 made to a 2010 solution was in the first few lines of the solution file. 根据我的经验,2012年解决方案的唯一变化是在解决方案文件的前几行中。

Making a change like this increases the failure chances of the project, even when it's a necessary change. 进行这样的更改会增加项目的失败几率,即使这是必要的变更。 I'd say if it's not broken, don't fix it. 我会说,如果没有破坏,请不要修理它。 While it is nice to work with the most recent tools, making a tool change for the sake of a tool change in an ongoing project of size is generally too risky. 虽然使用最新的工具很好,但是为了在正在进行的大小项目中更换工具而更换工具通常风险太大。 It would be best to wait until you reach a delivery milestone, release the product, then devote a development cycle, probably a short one, to the tool upgrade. 最好等到达到交付里程碑,发布产品,然后将一个开发周期(可能是一个简短的开发周期)用于工具升级。

With that said, in general, VS2010 to VS2012 is a lot smoother than VS2008 to VS2010. 据说,一般来说,VS2010到VS2012比VS2008到VS2010要平滑得多。 The only problems I've encountered with it were straightening out some references that didn't carry over correctly on some projects and difficulties communicating wih an old version of TFS server (switching to a newer server fixed that one). 我遇到的唯一问题是找出一些在某些项目上没有正确执行的引用,并且难以与旧版本的TFS服务器进行通信(切换到修复该版本的新服务器)。

I've had both VS2010 and VS2012 on more than one system (along with VS2005 and VS2008 in some cases) with no issues. 我已经在多个系统上安装了VS2010和VS2012(在某些情况下还有VS2005和VS2008),没有任何问题。

We've updated a lot of projects without any real issues. 我们更新了很多项目而没有任何实际问题。 There are some subtleties ( Marius David ) and my guys have seen dot net 4.0 GAC assembly changes you'll need to be aware of. 有一些微妙之处( Marius David )和我的家伙们已经看到了你需要注意的dot net 4.0 GAC程序集更改。 I make and run prototypical stuff in both 2010 and 2012 on the same machine. 我在同一台机器上制作和运行2010年和2012年的原型设备。 No conflicts. 没有冲突。 When I double-click a project it loads the proper IDE without asking - kinda nice. 当我双击一个项目时,它加载正确的IDE而不问 - 有点好。

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