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[英]I would like to ignore a user's input if they go out-of-bounds

I tried looking for an answer to my question but couldn't find anything that was quite right. 我试着寻找我的问题的答案,但找不到任何正确的答案。

My problem deals with having an array set up and basically moving the little cursor around a field of dots. 我的问题涉及设置一个数组并基本上将小光标移动到一个点的字段。 I need to be able to ignore the user's input if they hit an arrow key in a direction that would take them out of bounds of the grid. 我需要能够忽略用户的输入,如果他们按箭头键的方向将他们超出网格范围。 I'm not exactly sure what would best do this. 我不确定最好的做法是什么。

This is the class that I cannot modify. 这是我无法修改的类。 I can only inherit from it to do this. 我只能继承它来做到这一点。

//You can add or delete includes
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> //For system()
#include <conio.h> //For getche()
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

const int MAX_HEIGHT = 20; //The height of the grid
const int MAX_WIDTH = 40; //The width of the grid

class PickUpGame
  char Screen[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH]; //The grid to print to the screen
  int xPos, yPos; //The current x and y position of the users cursor on the grid

  //Constructor that will intialize the screen and x and y positions
  PickUpGame() : xPos(0), yPos(MAX_WIDTH - 1)
       SetupScreen(); //Initalize the grid

  //Initialize the screen with all '.' characters and set the intial user cursor position on the grid
  void SetupScreen()
       for(int height = 0; height < MAX_HEIGHT; height++) {
            for(int width = 0; width < MAX_WIDTH; width++) {
                 Screen[height][width] = '.'; //Initialize each grid position
       Screen[xPos][yPos] = '<'; //Set the users initial cursor position

  //Print the grid to the screen
  void Print()
       for(int height = 0; height < MAX_HEIGHT; height++) {
            for(int width = 0; width < MAX_WIDTH; width++) {
                 cout << Screen[height][width]; //Print the character at this location in the grid
            cout << endl; //After each row is printed, print a newline character

  //Take in user input to move around the grid
  void Move(char Direction)
       switch(static_cast<int>(Direction)) //Don't know the ASCII characters for the arrow keys so use the ASCII numbers
            case 72: //Up arrow
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = ' '; //Wipe out the users current cursor
                 xPos--; //Move the users x position on the grid
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = '^'; //Move the users cursor
            case 80: //Down arrow
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = ' ';
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = 'V';
            case 75: //Left arrow
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = ' ';
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = '<';
            case 77: //Right arrow
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = ' ';
                 Screen[xPos][yPos] = '>';

}; };

You simply need to check whether a movement would take them outside the bounds and ignore it if so. 你只需要检查一个运动是否会将它们带到界外,如果是这样则忽略它。 For example, moving right: 例如,向右移动:

if (right_key_pressed() && x_position < MAX_X_VALUE) {

That is, they will only move right if they press the key and are not yet at the maximum X position value. 也就是说,只有按下键并且尚未达到最大X位置值时,它们才会向右移动。 You can apply similar logic to the other directions. 您可以将类似的逻辑应用于其他方向。

Edit after addition of PickUpGame class to question 添加PickUpGame类后进行编辑以进行提问

Since the movement logic is in PickUpGame and you say you're not allowed to modify it, that makes it a little bit annoying. 由于移动逻辑在PickUpGame并且您说您不允许修改它,这使得它有点烦人。 Ideally the if statements inside Move would check the bounds. 理想情况下, Moveif语句将检查边界。 Instead, you're going to have to do the check outside from where you call Move : 相反,你将不得不从你调用Move地方进行检查:

if ((Direction == 72 && xPos > 0) ||
    /* do the same for right, down, and left */) {

So you want it to check if the Direction is up and there is room to move up, OR if it is right and there is room to move right, OR... and so on. 因此,您希望它检查Direction是否已启动且是否有向上移动的空间,或者如果它是正确的并且有向右移动的空间,或者......等等。 Then and only then will you pass Direction along to Move . 然后,只有这样你才能Move Direction传递给Move

It sounds like all you need to do is keep a variable for where the user is in the array (you probably already have one) and two for the maximum and minimum value. 听起来你需要做的就是为用户在数组中的位置(你可能已经有一个)保留一个变量,并且为最大值和最小值保留两个变量。 Then, when the user presses an arrow key, before moving the cursor, test whether the action will take them out of bounds. 然后,当用户按下箭头键时,在移动光标之前,测试该动作是否会使它们超出范围。

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