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PredicateBuilder之间的区别 <True> 和PredicateBuilder <False> ?

[英]Difference between PredicateBuilder<True> and PredicateBuilder<False>?

I have the code: 我有代码:

   var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Value>();

predicate = predicate.And(x => x.value1 == "1");
predicate = predicate.And(x => x.value2 == "2");

var vals = Value.AsExpandable().Where(predicate).ToList();

If I have PredicateBuilder.True<Value>() , it brings back what I expect, but if I have PredicateBuilder.False<Value>() , it brings back 0 records. 如果我有PredicateBuilder.True<Value>() ,它会带回我的期望,但如果我有PredicateBuilder.False<Value>() ,它会带回0条记录。 Can someone explain what the the difference is and why in one scenario I get back 0 records an in the other I get what I expect. 有人可以解释这是什么区别,为什么在一个场景中我得到0记录在另一个我得到我期望的。 I already read the PredicateBuilder documenation, but it was a bit confusing. 我已经阅读了PredicateBuilder文档,但它有点令人困惑。 I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that I am Anding predicates together? 我有一种感觉,这与我和Anding谓词在一起的事实有关吗?

When using PredicateBuilder to incrementally build a predicate of 0 or more conditions, it is convenient to start off with a "neutral" predicate that can be added to, since you can then just iterate through the conditions and either and or or them together wth the last one. 当使用PredicateBuilder逐步构建0或更多条件的谓词时,可以方便地从可以添加的“中性”谓词开始,因为您可以只是迭代条件,或者或者and / or它们一起使用最后一个。 Eg 例如

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Value>();

foreach (var item in itemsToInclude) {
  predicate = predicate.And(o => o.Items.Contains(item));

This would be equivalent to the more straightforward boolean logic: 这相当于更简单的布尔逻辑:

var predicate = true;

foreach (var item in itemsToInclude) {
  predicate = predicate && o.Items.Contains(item);

Which would be equivalent to 这相当于

true && ((o.Items.Contains(itemsToInclude[0] && o.Items.Contains.itemsToInclude[1]) ...)

Or true && restOfPredicate , which evaluates to true if restOfPredicate is true, and false if restOfPredicate is false . 或者true && restOfPredicate ,如果restOfPredicate为true,则计算结果为true如果restOfPredicatefalserestOfPredicatefalse Hence why it's considered neutral. 因此,为什么它被认为是中立的。

Starting out with PredicateBuilder.False , however, would be equivalent false && restOfPredicate , which would always evaluate to false . 然而,从PredicateBuilder.False开始,将等同于false && restOfPredicate ,它总是评估为false

Similarly for or , starting out with false would be equivalent to false || restOfPredicate 类似地, or ,以false开头将等同于false || restOfPredicate false || restOfPredicate , which evaluate to false if restOfPredicate is false and true if restOfPredicate is true . false || restOfPredicate ,其计算结果为false ,如果restOfPredicatefalsetrue如果restOfPredicatetrue And true || restOfPredicate true || restOfPredicate true || restOfPredicate would always evaluate to true . true || restOfPredicate将始终评估为true

Bottom line : Use PredicateBuilder.True as a neutral starting point with PredicateBuilder.And , and PredicateBuilder.False with PredicateBuilder.Or . 底线 :使用PredicateBuilder.True与中性起点PredicateBuilder.And ,并PredicateBuilder.FalsePredicateBuilder.Or

How it Works The True and False methods do nothing special: they are simply convenient shortcuts for creating an Expression> that initially evaluates to true or false. 工作原理True和False方法没有什么特别之处:它们只是用于创建最初计算为true或false的Expression>的简便快捷方式。 So the following: 所以以下内容:

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True (); var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True(); is just a shortcut for this: 只是这个的捷径:

Expression> predicate = c => true; Expression> predicate = c => true; When you're building a predicate by repeatedly stacking and/or conditions, it's useful to have a starting point of either true or false (respectively). 当您通过重复堆叠和/或条件构建谓词时,有一个起始点为true或false(分别)是有用的。

Info complete http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx 信息完整http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx

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