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[英]Weird non-ASCII Characters in Console Output

The following is one example of several that seemingly randomly the other night started resulting in weird ascii characters being display in console. 下面是一个例子,其中几个例子似乎是在前一天晚上随机出现的,导致在控制台中显示了奇怪的ascii字符。 For example the player.level displays a smiley face ascii character. 例如,player.level显示一个笑脸ascii字符。 Some displays simply several blank spaces, others display single weird ascii characters. 有些只显示几个空格,另一些只显示单个奇怪的ascii字符。

Image example: 图片示例:

The code worked fine and I was having some compiler issues that I fixed. 该代码工作正常,我遇到了一些已解决的编译器问题。 Around the same time I changed a lot of "int" data types to uint8_t etc. Once I fixed the compiler issues I started seeing this new issue. 大约在同一时间,我将很多“ int”数据类型更改为uint8_t等。修复了编译器问题后,我开始看到这个新问题。

Language: C++(11) (CodeBlocks IDE) 语言:C ++(11)(CodeBlocks IDE)


#include "encounter.h"
#include "player.h"
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "createchar.h"
#include "randstats.h"

boost::random::mt19937 gen;

player_vars randStats()
        Randomize new characters stats if the player chooses to do so rather than manually assign them.
        Also going to use this to test against random encounters for balance purposes.

    player.str = 8;
    player.dex = 8;
    player.con = 8;
    player.intel = 8;
    player.wis = 8;
    player.cha = 8;
    uint8_t remaining_points = 25; // starting pts to hand out freely
    uint8_t total_possible = player.str + player.dex + player.con + player.intel + player.wis + player.cha + remaining_points; // max points to assign

        Basically the whole purpose of this is to pick random numbers and spread them out among random stats.
        The stats will not be higher than total_possible + remaining points (assigned above).

    while (remaining_points > 0)

        boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist13(1, 3);
        uint8_t random_number = dist13(gen);

        uint8_t x = 0;
        // Get current or total points currently assigned
        uint8_t totalpts = player.str + player.dex + player.con + player.intel + player.wis + player.cha;

        //if we're in range and won't go over
        if ((totalpts < total_possible) && ((random_number + totalpts) < total_possible))
            x = random_number;
            // remaining_points - x;
        //if we're going to go over, only assign the number of points from random that will stop us at 73 points
        else if ((random_number + totalpts) > total_possible)
            // Since we're going over the max total points, how many do we assign to a stat?
            uint8_t y = totalpts - total_possible;
            x = abs(y);
            remaining_points = 0; //force this because we exceeded

        //random numbering choosing which stat the points go to
        boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist16(1, 6);

        case 1 :
            player.str += x;
        case 2 :
            player.dex += x;
        case 3 :
            player.con += x;
        case 4 :
            player.intel += x;
        case 5 :
            player.wis += x;
        case 6 :
            player.cha += x;
        default :


    //print the new results
    std::cout << "\nNew Character Stats: \n";
    std::cout << "Strength: [" << player.str << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Dexterity: [" << player.dex << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Constitution: [" << player.con << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Intelligence: [" << player.intel << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Wisdom: [" << player.wis << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Charisma: [" << player.cha << "]" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Total Points Assigned: " << player.str + player.dex + player.con + player.intel + player.wis + player.cha << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Accept these results? [y/n]: ";
    char selection;
    std::cin >> selection;

    case 'Y' :
    case 'y' :
    case 'N' :
    case 'n' :
        std::cout << "\nInvalid response. Keeping results.\n";

    return player;
}//close function


   #include <string>
   #include <cstdint>

   struct player_vars {
    std::string alias;
    uint8_t current_level;
    bool is_alive; // alive or dead
    uint8_t str;
    uint8_t dex;
    uint8_t con;
    uint8_t intel;
    uint8_t wis;
    uint8_t cha;
    uint32_t gold;
    std::string profileName; // may use
    int16_t hitpoints; // current HP dependent on class, level, feats, con, etc.
    uint8_t size_id; // character size
    uint8_t class_id; // check comments
    uint8_t base_attack_bonus; // dependent on player's class
    uint8_t weapon_id; // check comments

    uint8_t getHitPoints();

    }; extern player_vars player;

uint8_t is usually typedef 'd to unsigned char . uint8_t通常typedef倒是到unsigned char This works great in C. 这在C语言中效果很好。

C++'s stream operators are seeing your unsigned char values and trying to print them as characters, instead of converting the integer to a string. C ++的流运算符正在查看您的unsigned char值,并试图将它们打印为字符,而不是将整数转换为字符串。 So what you're seeing is whatever the particular terminal/console decides to display for that character code. 因此,您所看到的是特定终端/控制台决定为该字符代码显示的内容。

Save yourself the trouble, and just stick with int . 省去麻烦,只需要坚持int We're only talking 4 bytes instead of 1. And not having to worry about the awfully tiny limit of 255. 我们只说了4个字节而不是1个字节,也不必担心255的微小限制。

If you really want to store your data as uint_8 , you'll want to cast to int before streaming it to cout : 如果您确实想将数据存储为uint_8 ,则在将数据流传输到cout之前,需要将其转换为int

std::cout << "Strength: [" << (int)player.str << "]" << std::endl;

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