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[英]Executing Powershell script from command line with quoted parameters

I am automating the build of a legacy MS Access application, and in one of the steps, I am trying to make an Access executable (.ADE). 我正在自动化旧版MS Access应用程序的构建,并且在其中一个步骤中,我试图使Access可执行文件(.ADE)。 I have come up with the following code, which is stored in a file (PSLibrary.ps1): 我想出了以下代码,该代码存储在文件(PSLibrary.ps1)中:

Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access

function Access-Compile {
param (
    Write-Output "Starting MS Access"
    $access = New-Object -ComObject Access.Application
    $access.Visible = $FALSE
    $access.AutomationSecurity = 1

    if (!(Test-Path $source)) { Throw "Source '$source' not found" }
    if ((Test-Path $destination)) {
        Write-Output "File '$destination' already exists - deleting..."
        Remove-Item $destination

    Write-Output "Compiling '$source' to '$destination'"
    $result = $access.SysCmd(603, $source, $destination)


    Write-Output "Exiting MS Access"

If I go into the PowerShell ISE and run the command below, then everything works fine, and the expected output is created: 如果我进入PowerShell ISE并运行以下命令,则一切正常,并创建了预期的输出:

PS C:>& "C:\Temp\PSLibrary.ps1"
PS C:>Access-Compile "C:\Working\Project.adp" "C:\Working\Project.ade"

However, I can't seem to generate the right hocus-pocus to get this running from the command line, as I would in an automated build. 但是,我似乎无法像在自动构建中那样,生成正确的轨迹来从命令行运行它。 For instance, 例如,

powershell.exe -command "& \"C:\\Temp\\PSLibrary.ps1\" Access-Compile \"C:\\Temp\\Project.adp\" \"C:\\Temp\\Project.ade\""

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

For complex parameters, you can use Powershell's -EncodedCommand parameter. 对于复杂的参数,可以使用Powershell的-EncodedCommand参数。 It will accept a Base64 encoded string. 它将接受Base64编码的字符串。 No escaping is needed for quotes, slashes and such. 引号,斜杠等不需要转义。

Consider a test function that will print its parameters. 考虑一个将打印其参数的测试功能。 Like so, 像这样

function Test-Function {
param (
    write-host "src: $source"
    write-host "dst: $destination"

Create command to load the script and some parameters. 创建命令以加载脚本和一些参数。 Like so, 像这样

# Load the script and call function with some parameters
. C:\Temp\Calling-Test.ps1;  Test-Function "some\special:characters?" "`"c:\my path\with\spaces within.ext`""

After the command syntax is OK, encode it into Base64 form. 命令语法确定后,将其编码为Base64形式。 Like so, 像这样

[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UNICODE.GetBytes('. C:\Temp\Calling-Test.ps1;  Test-Function "some\special:characters?" "`"c:\my path\with\spaces within.ext`""'))

You'll get a Base64 string. 您将获得一个Base64字符串。 Like so, 像这样


Finally, start Powershell and pass the encoded string as a parameter. 最后,启动Powershell并将编码后的字符串作为参数传递。 Like so, 像这样

# The parameter string here is abreviated for readability purposes.
# Don't do this in production
C:\>powershell -encodedcommand LgAgA...
src: some\special:characters?
dst: "c:\my path\with\spaces within.ext"

Should you later want to reverse the Base64 encoding, pass it into decoding method. 如果您以后想要反转Base64编码,请将其传递给解码方法。 Like so, 像这样

$str = " LgAgA..."
# Output
. C:\Temp\Calling-Test.ps1;  Test-Function "some\special:characters?" "`"c:\my path\with\spaces within.ext`""

PowerShell like Bash can take single or double quotes Bash之类的PowerShell可以使用单引号或双引号

PS C:\Users\Steven> echo "hello"
PS C:\Users\Steven> echo 'hello'

this can alleviate some of the headache, also I think you can use the literal backslashes without escaping. 这可以减轻一些麻烦,我想您也可以在不逃脱的情况下使用文字反斜杠。

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