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[英]Associating two values in PHP

I'm having a trouble with a calendar I'm doing with TV shows. 我在看电视节目时遇到了麻烦。

Basically, I want to output my days of the week and the shows aired for each day. 基本上,我想输出一周中的每一天以及每天播出的节目。 (without doing 7 different queries obviously) (显然,无需执行7个不同的查询)

The following outputs the shows with an airdate between the beginning of the week and the end 以下输出的节目带有本周开始和结束之间的播出时间

$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * 
FROM show_episode_airdate, show_episode
WHERE show_episode_airdate.airdate BETWEEN :weekbeginning AND :weekend AND show_episode.episode_id = show_episode_airdate.episode_id ");

$stmt->execute(array(':weekbeginning' => $begin_date, ':weekend' => $end_date));

while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {


This outputs the seven dates of the week. 这将输出一周中的七个日期。

foreach ($listofdays as $num=>$jour) {
     $date_table[$num] = date('m-d-Y',$weekbegin[0]+$num*DUREE_UN_JOUR);
     $daysoftheweek = $date_table[$num];

This outputs the following: 输出以下内容:

string '05-20-2013' (length=10)

string '05-21-2013' (length=10)

string '05-22-2013' (length=10)

string '05-23-2013' (length=10)

string '05-24-2013' (length=10)

string '05-25-2013' (length=10)

string '05-26-2013' (length=10)

I don't understand how to combine those two things to achieve what I'm after ??! 我不明白如何结合这两件事来实现我的追求?

Here would be my battle plan to solve this: 这是我解决这个问题的战斗计划:

Use $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 使用$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Loop over these and convert the dates from their string format into unix timestamps, probably by using explode and mktime : 循环遍历这些并将日期从其字符串格式转换为unix时间戳,可能是通过使用explodemktime

foreach($rows as &$row) {
    $unix_airdate= mktime(...TODO);
    $row['unix_airdate']= $unix_airdate;
unset($row); //do not forget because $row was a reference

Then in the loop you already wrote, use http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-filter.php $filtered_rows= array_filter($rows, 'my_filter_function..TODO'); 然后在您已经编写的循环中,使用http://www.php.net/manual/zh/function.array-filter.php $filtered_rows= array_filter($rows, 'my_filter_function..TODO'); so that my_filter_function checks that the unix_airdate is between weekbegin and before the begin of next week. 这样my_filter_function会检查unix_airdate是否在weekbegin和下周开始之前之间。

Now go over the filtered array and output all shows. 现在遍历过滤后的数组并输出所有显示。 If you want them aggregated by day, loop over the days of the week and filter by day_begin and day_begin_next_day instead. 如果希望它们按天汇总,请在一周的各天中循环,然后按day_begin和day_begin_next_day进行过滤。

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