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创建SQL Server数据库的开发版本的最佳方法是什么?

[英]What's the best way to create a dev version of a SQL Server database?


This will give you the "template SQL" in the correct order. 这将为您提供正确顺序的“模板SQL”。

But you'll have to fill in some missing where clause stuff (not trivial). 但是,您必须填写一些缺少的where子句(并非无关紧要)。

with    cteTableHierarchy 
          as ( /* Select all table without (selfreferencing) FK */
               select distinct
                        1 as LevelID
                      , OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(Parent.object_id) as TableOwner
                      , Parent.name as TableName
                      , Parent.object_id as TbObjID

               from     sys.objects Parent
               left join sys.foreign_key_columns RefKey
                        On RefKey.parent_object_id = Parent.object_id
                           and RefKey.parent_object_id <> RefKey.referenced_object_id
                           and RefKey.constraint_column_id = 1
               where    RefKey.parent_object_id is null
                        and Parent.type = 'U'
                        and Parent.name <> 'dtproperties'
               UNION ALL
               /* add tables that reference the anchor rows */
               SELECT   H.LevelID + 1
                      , OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(Parent.object_id) as TableOwner
                      , OBJECT_NAME(Parent.object_id) as TableName
                      , Parent.object_id as TbObjID
               from     sys.objects Parent
               inner join sys.foreign_key_columns RefKey
                        On RefKey.parent_object_id = Parent.object_id
                           and RefKey.parent_object_id <> RefKey.referenced_object_id
                           and RefKey.constraint_column_id = 1
               inner join cteTableHierarchy H
                        on H.TbObjID = RefKey.referenced_object_id 
               where    Parent.type = 'U'
                        and Parent.name <> 'dtproperties'
    select distinct *    , TemplateSQL = 'Delete from [' + TableOwner + '].[' + TableName + '] Where .... '
    from    cteTableHierarchy
    order by LevelID desc -- descending order = order of row deletes
          , TableOwner
          , TableName ;

EDIT ........................ 编辑........................

Comment out the "Select *" and uncomment the "Delete deleteAlias" to actually perform the deletes. 注释掉“选择*”,然后取消注释“删除deleteAlias”以实际执行删除。 The good thing about this little syntax sugar (Select * vs "Delete deleteAlias" is you can quickly see the EXACT data (via the select *) that you are going to actually delete "Delete deleteAlias". 关于这个小的语法糖(选择*与“删除deleteAlias”)的好处是,您可以快速(实际上通过选择*)看到要删除“删除deleteAlias”的精确数据。

The below populates a small @Holder variable table. 下面填充了一个小的@Holder变量表。 Then will reverse walk the 3 tables.......to delete the data. 然后将反向移动3个表.......以删除数据。

Note, the last table (from dbo.[Customers] deleteAlias) has some redundant/unnecessary code, but I'm trying to show the concept over "conciseness". 注意,最后一个表(来自dbo。[Customers] deleteAlias)具有一些冗余/不必要的代码,但是我试图展示“简洁”概念。

Use Northwind

/* Example to Delete all Order-Details, Orders, Customers based on a known list of CustomerID's */

declare @CustomerIDHolder table ( CustomerID char(5) )
INSERT INTO @CustomerIDHolder ( CustomerID )
Select 'ALFKI' union all select '33333'

--Delete deleteAlias 
  Select * 
from dbo.[Order Details] deleteAlias
where exists 
    ( select null from dbo.[Orders] innerOrds join dbo.Customers innerCusts on innerOrds.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID 
        /* exists inner to outer relationshiop */
        innerOrds.OrderId = deleteAlias.OrderId
        /* filter */
        exists ( Select null from @CustomerIDHolder innerInnerHolder where innerInnerHolder.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID )

--Delete deleteAlias 
  Select * 
from dbo.[Orders] deleteAlias
where exists 
    ( select null from dbo.Customers innerCusts
        /* exists inner to outer relationshiop */
        innerCusts.CustomerID = deleteAlias.CustomerID
        /* filter */
        exists ( Select null from @CustomerIDHolder innerInnerHolder where innerInnerHolder.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID )

--Delete deleteAlias 
  Select * 
from dbo.[Customers] deleteAlias
where exists 
    ( select null from dbo.Customers innerCusts
        /* exists inner to outer relationshiop */
        innerCusts.CustomerID = deleteAlias.CustomerID
        /* filter */
        exists ( Select null from @CustomerIDHolder innerInnerHolder where innerInnerHolder.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID )

And here is a "Mark things I want to keep, but delete the rest" example........ 这是一个“标记我想保留的东西,但删除其余部分”的示例........

/* Example to Delete all Order-Details, Orders, Customers based on a known list of CustomerID's */

declare @CustomerIDHolder table ( CustomerID char(5) )
INSERT INTO @CustomerIDHolder ( CustomerID )
Select CustomerID from dbo.Customers

/* Keep all the data except for 2 Customers.  Aka, The Customers who do NOT exist in the holder table will be deleted.... */
Delete deleteAliasHolder From @CustomerIDHolder deleteAliasHolder where exists ( Select CustID from (Select 'ALFKI' as CustID union all select '33333' as CustID ) as derived1 where derived1.CustID = deleteAliasHolder.CustomerID )

Select CustomerID as DataToKeepCustomerID from @CustomerIDHolder 

--Delete deleteAlias 
  Select * 
from dbo.[Order Details] deleteAlias
where exists 
    ( select null from dbo.[Orders] innerOrds join dbo.Customers innerCusts on innerOrds.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID 
        /* exists inner to outer relationshiop */
        innerOrds.OrderId = deleteAlias.OrderId
        /* filter */
        not exists ( Select null from @CustomerIDHolder innerInnerHolder where innerInnerHolder.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID )

--Delete deleteAlias 
  Select * 
from dbo.[Orders] deleteAlias
where exists 
    ( select null from dbo.Customers innerCusts
        /* exists inner to outer relationshiop */
        innerCusts.CustomerID = deleteAlias.CustomerID
        /* filter */
        not exists ( Select null from @CustomerIDHolder innerInnerHolder where innerInnerHolder.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID )

--Delete deleteAlias 
  Select * 
from dbo.[Customers] deleteAlias
where exists 
    ( select null from dbo.Customers innerCusts
        /* exists inner to outer relationshiop */
        innerCusts.CustomerID = deleteAlias.CustomerID
        /* filter */
        not exists ( Select null from @CustomerIDHolder innerInnerHolder where innerInnerHolder.CustomerID = innerCusts.CustomerID )


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