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[英]Postgresql timestamp and NULL difference

I'm novice in PostgreSQL. 我是PostgreSQL的新手。 I have a column timestamp without time zone named FailureTime . 我有一个没有时区的列时间戳,名称为FailureTime At the beginning it has NULL value. 一开始它具有NULL值。

When SELECT I need to get all entries that has current_timestamp - FailureTime > interval '7' . 当执行SELECT我需要获取所有具有current_timestamp - FailureTime > interval '7'条目。

But when FailureTime is NULL the result of operation is NULL. 但是,当FailureTime为NULL时,运算结果为NULL。 Can I cast NULL to ZERO value or somehow get just current_timestamp as result of the operation? 我可以将NULL强制转换为ZERO值还是以某种方式得到current_timestamp

current_timestamp - coalesce(FailureTime, current_timestamp) > interval '7'

You can exclude NULL elements by specifying something like: 您可以通过指定类似以下内容来排除NULL元素:

WHERE (FailureTime IS NOT NULL) 
AND (current_timestamp - FailureTime > interval '7')

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