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Crystal Report在页面更改上多次运行查询

[英]Crystal Report runs query multiple times on page change

I have written the code for crystal report in the page_init() and it runs fine, but I have just noticed that when I switch report page index, means when I want to load second page of the report, the control again goes to the page load and whole report query runs again. 我已经在page_init()中编写了水晶报表的代码,并且运行良好,但是我刚刚注意到,当我切换报表页面索引时,这意味着当我想加载报表的第二页时,控件再次转到该页面。加载,整个报表查询将再次运行。

I have made a switch case and from query string I take the name which report is to be loaded, is there a way by which when I can minimize the report load time? 我做了一个转换案例,并从查询字符串中获取了要加载的报告的名称,有什么方法可以最大程度地减少报告的加载时间?

Is session a better idea? 会议是一个更好的主意吗?

If I write the code in (!Ispostaback), then only first page is loaded, when I try to switch second page, it shows no resource is available error. 如果我在(!Ispostaback)中编写代码,则仅加载第一页,当我尝试切换第二页时,它显示没有可用资源错误。

 protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String test = Request.QueryString["ReportType"];
            ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
            switch (testCondition)
                   case "Report":
                    var rpt1 = new LenderCompanyActionReport(); 
                    String lcarParam1 = Request.QueryString["Param1"];
                    String lcarParam2 = Request.QueryString["Param2"];
                    String lcarParam3 = Request.QueryString["Param3"];
                    String lcarParam4 = Request.QueryString["Param4"];
                    String lcarParam5 = Request.QueryString["Param5"];
                    List<Reportclass> lst2 = new ReportMethod().GetReport(lcarParam1, lcarParam2, lcarParam3, lcarParam4, lcarParam5);
                    CRReportViewer.ReportSource = rpt1;


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