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如何在 go 中模拟/抽象文件系统?

[英]How to mock/abstract filesystem in go?

I would like to be able to log every write/read that my go app issues to the underlying OS, and also (if it's possible) completely replace FS with one that resides only in memory.我希望能够记录我的 go 应用程序向底层操作系统发出的每次写入/读取,并且(如果可能)将 FS 完全替换为仅驻留在内存中的 FS。

Is it possible?是否有可能? How?如何? Maybe there is a ready-to-Go solution?也许有现成的解决方案?

This is straight from Andrew Gerrand's 10 things you (probably) don't know about Go :这直接来自 Andrew Gerrand 的关于 Go 的你(可能)不知道10 件事

var fs fileSystem = osFS{}

type fileSystem interface {
    Open(name string) (file, error)
    Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)

type file interface {
    Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)

// osFS implements fileSystem using the local disk.
type osFS struct{}

func (osFS) Open(name string) (file, error)        { return os.Open(name) }
func (osFS) Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { return os.Stat(name) }

For this to work, you will need to write your code to take a fileSystem argument (maybe embed it in some other type, or let nil denote the default filesystem).为此,您需要编写代码以获取fileSystem参数(可能将其嵌入其他类型,或者让nil表示默认文件系统)。

For those looking to solve the problem of mocking out your filesystem during testing, checkout @spf13's Afero library, https://github.com/spf13/afero .对于那些希望在测试期间解决模拟文件系统问题的人,请查看 @spf13 的 Afero 库, https://github.com/spf13/afero It does everything that the accepted answer does, but with better documentation and examples.它完成了公认答案所做的一切,但提供了更好的文档和示例。

You can use the testing/fstest package:您可以使用testing/fstest包:

package main
import "testing/fstest"

func main() {
   m := fstest.MapFS{
      "hello.txt": {
         Data: []byte("hello, world"),
   b, e := m.ReadFile("hello.txt")
   if e != nil {
   println(string(b) == "hello, world")

https://golang.org/pkg/testing/fstest https://golang.org/pkg/testing/fstest

Just because this question pops up pretty high when googling for this matter:仅仅因为在谷歌搜索这个问题时这个问题弹出的频率很高:

I don't know about logging reads and writes, but for a filesystem residing only in memory, I've found blang/vfs .我不知道记录读取和写入,但是对于仅驻留在内存中的文件系统,我发现了blang/vfs I haven't used in production, and it says it's alpha and interfaces are likely to change.我没有在生产中使用过,它说它是 alpha 并且接口可能会改变。 Use it at your own risk.需要您自担风险使用它。

I suppose you could implement it to log reads and writes.我想你可以实现它来记录读取和写入。

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