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[英]expected ')' error in Xcode when giving an address to function

There is a little arrow under the "&" and if I remove it, it works. 在“&”下方有一个小箭头,如果我将其删除,它将起作用。 Im new to Xcode and i'm pretty sure this would compile on my old PC. 我是Xcode的新手,我很确定这可以在旧PC上编译。 I had previous declared in the code booth the struct and the variable barra. 我之前曾在代码亭中声明过struct和变量barra。

void InitBarra(struct Barra &barra)
    barra.x = WIDTH/2;
    barra.y = HEIGHT;
    barra.vidas = 3;
    barra.velocidade = 7;
    barra.placar = 0;

This really should be a pointer: 这确实应该是一个指针:

void InitBarra(Barra *barra)
    barra->x = WIDTH/2;
    barra->y = HEIGHT;
    barra->vidas = 3;
    barra->velocidade = 7;
    barra->placar = 0;

Where the Barra struct is declared and/or malloc'd from the calling function. 在调用函数中声明和/或分配了Barra结构的位置。

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