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[英]How can I fix this sql query?

While executing below query facing "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" error. 在执行下面的查询时遇到“在查询过程中失去与MySQL服务器的连接”错误。 how can I fix it? 我该如何解决?

FROM firmalar,
WHERE firmalar.firmaID NOT IN (
       SELECT m2.firmaID 
       FROM notlar AS n2,
            musterisahipleri AS m2
       WHERE n2.eklemeTarihi > '2013-03-24'
   AND musterisahipleri.firmaID = firmalar.firmaID 
   AND notlar.ilgiliID = musterisahipleri.userID;

Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助

You're timing out because you're using inefficient nested subqueries. 您之所以超时,是因为您使用的嵌套嵌套查询效率低下。

This will perform better: 这样会更好:

EDIT: Per your last comment, this query will return you firmalar records that have no notlar records added since '2013-03-24'... it then joins those results on musterisahipleri and notlar again to get associated reps and notes (if applicable) 编辑:根据您最后的评论,这个查询将返回firmalar有没有记录notlar ,因为“2013年3月24日”添加的记录......它,然后加入这些结果musterisahiplerinotlar再次获得相关的代表和注意事项(如适用)

    SELECT f.* 
    FROM firmalar AS f
    LEFT JOIN musterisahipleri AS m
        ON m.firmaID = f.firmaID
    LEFT JOIN notlar AS n
        ON n.ilgiliID = m.userID
        AND n.eklemeTarihi > '2013-03-24'
    GROUP BY f.firmaID
    HAVING MAX(n.ilgiliID) IS NULL
) AS f
    LEFT JOIN musterisahipleri AS m
        ON m.firmaID = f.firmaID
    LEFT JOIN notlar AS n
        ON n.ilgiliID = m.userID

You should also ensure you have indexes on the columns you're joining on, eg 您还应确保要加入的列上有索引,例如

ALTER TABLE firmalar ADD INDEX (firmaID);
ALTER TABLE musterisahipleri ADD INDEX (firmaID);
ALTER TABLE musterisahipleri ADD INDEX (userID);
ALTER TABLE notlar ADD INDEX (ilgiliID);

You can speed up not in subqueries in older versions by MySQL by replacing them with not exists . 您可以加快not in在老版本的子查询由MySQL通过与替换它们not exists The appropriate indexes definitely help (as recommended by Steven Moseley. 适当的索引肯定有帮助(如Steven Moseley所建议。

This version moves the joins into the from clause and replaces the not in with not exists : 此版本将联接移入from子句,并将not in替换为not exists

FROM firmalar join
     on musterisahipleri.firmaID = firmalar.firmaID join
     on notlar.ilgiliID = musterisahipleri.userID
WHERE not exists (select 1
                  FROM notlar n2 join
                       musterisahipleri m2
                       on n2.ilgiliID = m3.userID
                 WHERE n2.eklemeTarihi > '2013-03-24' and
                       firmalar.firmaID = m2.firmaID

In writing this, I realize that the problem with the original query is that the tables in the not in subquery were not properly joined together. 在撰写本文时,我意识到原始查询的问题在于not in子查询中的表未正确连接在一起。 This yet again emphasizes why proper join syntax (using the join and on keywords in the from clause) is superior to implicit joins in the where clause. 这再次强调了为什么正确的联接语法(在from子句中使用joinon关键字)优于where子句中的隐式联接。

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